Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Need a new outfit? Try the library.

    A pilot project at the Dover Public Library in New Hampshire provided locals with an alternative to fast fashion by hosting a clothing library. Like borrowing a book, people could check out up to five occasion-wear garments, which are the type of pieces you might only wear once, for two weeks at a time.

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  • Athens bookstore battles bans by stocking shelves

    Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia, stocks, sells, and advertises banned books to make them more accessible and spark conversations about the topic.

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  • The queer book bike serving Brooklyn

    Volunteers distribute free LGBTQ2S+ literature to the Brooklyn community via the Nonbinarian Book Bike, a mutual-aid project focused on filling the gap in bookstores and libraries to connect people to queer literature.

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  • NM endowment offers perpetual funding source for rural libraries

    The New Mexico Rural Library Initiative advocated for an endowment fund to create a perpetual funding source for a group of community libraries in small, low-income towns. The money in the fund is invested, and the interest earned is distributed to the libraries each year.

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  • How El Paso Is Fighting Back Against Book Bans In Texas

    In an effort against book bans, the city council of El Paso, Texas, unanimously passed a resolution that mandates every public library in the city to include a section of banned books featuring the stories of historically marginalized people.

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  • Si los libros hablan de Costa Rica, ¿la niñez leerá más?

    The Fundación Cámara Mágica works to create culturally relevant books for children to promote reading. By partnering with local writers and illustrators, the group creates stories rich in culture and diversity for youth to relate to, encouraging them to read more. Since 2020, the foundation has delivered more than 4,000 books to different communities throughout the country.

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  • When Seattle social services fall short, libraries and transit lend a hand

    The Seattle Public Library system partners with local organizations like the Downtown Emergency Service Center to provide library patrons with clothes and food and referrals to services like domestic violence help and housing or shelter recommendations. The library also has four “social service librarians” who are equipped to help patrons and are allowed to carry and administer Narcan. Over the last five months, the downtown branch has provided emergency supplies (like hand warmers, food, and water) to 420 people and has made 280 referrals to other resources.

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  • A Literary Movement is Helping Children Cultivate Reading Culture

    At the Kiishi Readers Club, students in Oyo state can borrow books and attend lectures and discussions to help develop their reading, writing, and leadership skills. Students who have participated in the club say the experience has helped them improve their academic performance and given them more confidence in their public speaking abilities.

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  • Free library program increases access to Minnesota state parks

    A partnership between Minnesota’s state parks and libraries in low-income communities is providing free entry passes to the parks to allow those who could not otherwise afford to visit a chance to do so.

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  • Facing Unique Challenges, Rural Communities Find Unique Solutions to Protect Against Wildfire Smoke Exposure

    The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection installs air-quality sensors in rural communities to address monitoring deserts where wildfire smoke affects communities but there is no data available on the exact air quality measures. The organization then works with trusted community sources, like libraries, to run public awareness campaigns and educate locals on protection measures.

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