Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Babies don't come with instructions. But in Oregon, they now come with a nurse

    Family Connects offers free home visits from trained nurses for families with newborns in an effort to increase access to care and reduce infant and new mother mortality rates. The nurses conduct a medical exam and then provide support, guidance and answer any questions the new parents may have. Family Connects found that mothers who participated in the program were 30% less likely to experience postpartum depression or anxiety.

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  • Dental therapists, who can fill cavities and check teeth, get the OK in more states

    Dental therapists provide basic preventative dental care, filling cavities, placing crowns and extracting teeth under a dentist’s supervision. The occupation is growing as it fills gaps in access to dental care, making it easier for people to care for their oral health. Dental therapists are most common in rural, Native areas where access to care is scarce. In rural Alaska alone, more than 40,000 people now have regular access to dental care thanks to dental therapists.

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  • Muslim spiritual care providers improve outcomes at HCMC

    In partnership with Open Path Resource, Hennepin Healthcare started integrating spiritual care into the medical care plan for Muslim patients to address stigma and build trust with medical professionals. The addition of spiritual care has had a significant impact on the hospital’s psychiatry department, reducing readmission rates from 24% in 2019, to 9% in 2023.

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  • Keene-born InSHAPE expands nationwide, but faces sustainability struggles in 20th year

    InSHAPE provides access to tailored health and fitness programs for people living with serious mental illnesses, helping them quit drinking and smoking, learn about nutrition and build a sense of community through gym memberships and workout groups. InSHAPE has been operating for 20 years, and studies show 60% of participants have clinically significant improvements in their physical health after a year in the program.

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  • Montana Creates Emergency ‘Drive-Thru' Blood Pickup Service for Rural Ambulances

    The Montana Interfacility Blood Network allows ambulance crews to pick up blood from area hospitals to transfuse to patients on the way to get the advanced care they need to prevent death or permanent brain injury en route to the emergency room. The Network is primarily for rural patients who face elevated rates of traumatic injury and have less access to healthcare. Since launching in 2022, the Network has helped three patients.

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  • How Foundation Helps to Reduce Hemophilia Burden

    Since 2010, the World Federation of Hemophilia has been providing patients with free treatment to reduce the financial burden of caring for someone with this condition. People living with hemophilia can access treatment whenever they need it and have indicated their condition has been improving now that they can afford care.

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  • A New Kind of Primary Care Comes to America

    Modeled after a similar program in Costa Rica, Neighborhood Nursing has teams of nurses and community health workers who host weekly visits throughout the community to provide free medical care — particularly preventative care — to those who need it. Neighborhood Nursing has helped build trust between residents and healthcare workers and aims to serve more than 4,000 people within the next year.

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  • Kenyan nurse leads crusade to fight medical negligence after repeated misdiagnoses

    The Nguvu Collective advocates for patients’ rights and the establishment of committees that help educate and protect patients in healthcare settings to prevent misdiagnosis and malpractice. Since 2022, the campaign has reached over 8,000 people, advocated for protections from the local government, published materials to spread patients’ rights education to underserved communities and taught healthcare workers how to be more mindful when providing care.

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  • Talking the Talk: How one therapy practice is bridging cultural and language barriers

    Latinx Talk Therapy offers bilingual mental health services in English and Spanish from Latinx therapists. These services help bridge the gap in accessing mental health care in Latinx communities. The Center opened in 2020 with a team of four therapists but has since grown to 50, as the services they offer have begun to gain more traction within the community.

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  • Two Health Care Workers Have Saved Countless Lives in Appalachia. Their New Business Goes the Extra Mile.

    The Health Wagon provides healthcare to remote, rural communities where accessibility and stigma have historically prevented residents from accessing care. The Wagon operates through multiple stationary clinics and about a dozen mobile sites across six counties. The Health Wagon takes a more individualized approach to healthcare, connecting with patients on a personal level, helping dismantle decades of barriers that prevent rural locals from accessing and understanding the care they need.

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