Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The cafeteria as classroom

    The nonprofit World Wildlife Fund is working with elementary schools in the United States to develop programs that teach students about food waste in hopes of encouraging environmental responsibility. They practice ways to reduce their waste at lunch, learn how to compost and sort garbage, and keep track of the amount of waste they’ve reduced.

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  • Against all odds: Educating Nigeria's Fulani children amidst adversity

    Founded to address the root causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria, such as lack of access to education, as well as raise awareness of Fulani culture, the Fulani Care and Support Foundation set up makeshift classrooms to provide formal education for children aged 7 to 12. By relying on volunteer teachers, one of the foundation’s schools offers lessons for about 50 students three times a week.

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  • Business for Good: HeyKiddo

    The HeyKiddo app and educational curriculum allow parents and teachers to access information and activities that help develop students’ social and emotional health and empathy, teach them how to make responsible decisions and maintain healthy relationships. Over 500 families currently use the app and the portion for teachers, called The Huddle, is used in a handful of schools in California, with plans to expand.

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  • ‘Ruthless in our pursuit of equity:' Inside Denver's Black Student Success work

    To better serve Black students, Joe Shoemaker Elementary School uses “equity cohorts.” Teachers select four to seven students of color who are reading below grade level and then focus on building relationships with them, helping to nurture their social and academic skills. Over the past two years, they’ve seen improved test scores and reading levels among students who participated.

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  • Street to Class: NGO Provides Free Education, Transforms Lives

    Dolly Stars School is a tuition-free school run by the Dolly Children Foundation, which helps students who have been out of the education system get back on track with their studies. The foundation has programs in 30 communities that have reached more than 23,000 out-of-school children.

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  • An Elementary School Tries a 'Radical' Idea: Staying Open 12 Hours a Day

    To help address falling enrollment and families’ lack of child care, Brooklyn Charter School extended the school day to twelve hours, providing before- and after-school activities and meals. So far, 80 students have signed up for the expanded hours and the school’s enrollment has rebounded from pandemic lows.

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  • Despite Russian attacks, Ukrainians are determined to send their children to school

    To ensure children can safely attend school during the war, schools are building classrooms in underground metro stations. Over 2,000 students currently attend school in one of the five metro station classrooms built so far.

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  • Enrollment in tribal language courses grows in Oklahoma as tribes aim to increase fluency

    In an effort to increase language fluency and preserve the Indigenous culture, public schools in Oklahoma are offering Indigenous language programs to teach a variety of languages, like Cherokee and Choctaw, to interested students. In the 2022-2023 school year, 3,314 students from elementary through high school participated in an Indigenous language program.

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  • Here's how this Philly elementary school moved from bare-bones budget to statewide star

    After budget cuts and limited resources put a strain on students’ academics, Lingelbach Elementary focused on building community while also training teachers in the science of reading and providing more one-on-one support for students. The percentage of third graders passing English exams has since risen from 26 percent to 71 percent.

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  • 'It's very Philly, and it's very in your face.' Volunteers knock on doors to aid literacy

    Through community events, direct outreach, and resource sharing, Philadelphia’s reading captains help local kids build early literacy skills while supporting families to make reading part of their daily home life.

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