Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • There's a Program to Cancel Private Student Debt. Most Don't Know About It.

    Navient, a lender that owns a large amount of private student loan debt, opened a program that allows borrowers who were misled by the for-profit schools they attended to apply for loan forgiveness. Borrowers must request an application and select the impropriety that describes their experience from a list of things like inflating job placement rates and misrepresenting educational programs.

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  • How Guaranteed Income Is Helping Black Women Battle Gentrification

    The Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund’s In Her Hands initiative provides monthly stipends to Black women with no strings attached, to help them combat poverty. Payments average $850 dollars per month and recipients have full control over how it is spen.

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  • Affordable, Flexible Childcare Helps Indian Mothers Earn More and Worry Less

    The largest central trade union in India, the Self Employed Women’s Association, runs affordable, flexible childcare centers across the country to combat the lack of accessible childcare options creating gender inequality in the job market. Now, women who are members of the union can go to work knowing their children are well cared for and older children can stay in school instead of caring for their siblings.

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  • The Guaranteed Income Program That's Helping Black Moms – and Trying to Change the World

    In Jackson, Mississippi, the nonprofit-run Magnolia Mother’s Trust is a guaranteed income program providing a no-strings-attached monthly stipend of $1,000 to Black mothers living in affordable housing to help them combat poverty.

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  • The long struggle over taxing the rich

    New bills passed by the state governments in Washington and Massachusetts are starting to make the states’ tax systems more equitable by increasing taxes on the wealthiest residents.

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  • More cities are offering no-strings-attached cash to residents. Here's what Philly can learn.

    Funded by a philanthropic donation and funds raised by the city, a guaranteed income program in Durham, North Carolina, provided people who were formerly incarcerated with a monthly stipend of $600. The no-strings-attached payments are meant to decrease recidivism by helping recipients meet their needs.

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  • California Wage Theft: When bosses don't pay and new laws aren't enough.

    To combat employer wage theft and chronic delays in payment remittance in state courts, Santa Clara County has leveraged businesses' food permits, threatening to revoke them if outstanding wage theft judgments are not paid. Run by the Santa Clara Office of Labor Enforcement, the program has resulted in 100% compliance.

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  • Organizing to Cancel Debt Fuels Systemic Change

    Occupy Wall Street ignited today's debt cancellation movement. Groups like the Debt Collective are winning victories, canceling predatory student debt and pushing systemic reforms like tuition-free college. Though incremental, these changes are rewriting policy and challenging racialized capitalism.

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  • Nehemiah: Making the American Dream possible for first-time homeowners

    The Nehemiah project began in the 1980s building privately-owned homes on land that nobody wanted in East Brooklyn and sold the homes at prices that were affordable to working class families. Church and community organizers mobilized local politicians to sell the land for almost nothing and provide subsidies for community members and raise money that could be used for loans. The program has built 6,500 homes and created an estimated $1.5 billion of wealth for first time Black and Latino homeowners.

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  • With Grocery Prices Up, Families Turn To Food Waste Apps

    As inflation rates skyrocket, apps like Canada-based FlashFood are proving users the option of purchasing surplus food at discounted rates from nearby grocery stores and restaurants. It has helped consumers reduce their grocery bills, sometimes by half, while keeping almost 45 million pounds of food waste away from landfills since 2016.

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