Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Finding Justice Over the Airwaves

    Kukana is a weekly radio show that helps locals who struggle accessing the legal system voice their grievances on the radio and get connected with local support and lawyers to find solutions. Over the past seven years, the Kukana team helped address grievances, from land disputes to human rights issues, for more than 100,000 people.

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  • Combinar la justicia restaurativa con la justicia penal, lecciones desde Navarra

    Desde los primeros años del 2000, la Asociación Navarra de Mediación (ANAME) ha trabajado para garantiza como servicio público la justicia restaurativa, un proceso para la resolución de conflictos enfocado en la reparación del daño a la víctima y la sanación emocional de las partes implicadas y del tejido social. De los casos en los que las partes decidieron iniciar el proceso, el 72% terminaron en acuerdo, un resultado que coincide con la experiencia en otros países.

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  • California Wage Theft: When bosses don't pay and new laws aren't enough.

    To combat employer wage theft and chronic delays in payment remittance in state courts, Santa Clara County has leveraged businesses' food permits, threatening to revoke them if outstanding wage theft judgments are not paid. Run by the Santa Clara Office of Labor Enforcement, the program has resulted in 100% compliance.

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  • Restorative justice solutions for youth are growing abroad, can they become part of the mix in the U.S.

    As North Carolina reevaluates its approach to juvenile justice, the state is looking to examples like Italy, where restorative justice practices such as victim-offender mediation, in which the victim and perpetrator of a crime meet with a mediator to discuss and reconstruct the incident, play a critical role in cases involving youth. The country incarcerates fewer children and young adults on a given day than North Carolina despite its population being roughly six times the size of the state's.

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  • Instead of Eviction, Landlords and Tenants Talk It Out

    Philadelphia's Eviction Diversion Program has helped keep more than 400 landlord-tenant disputes out of eviction court proceedings, mainly by using volunteer mediators to work out mutually agreeable plans for tenants to get caught up on their rent payments. The program started in 2020 as a way to keep people housed during the pandemic. By giving landlords and tenants a place to talk out their issues without the expense and repercussions of going to court, and by connecting tenants with rent-assistance aid, the program's launch was successful enough to win an extension throughout 2021.

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  • More Dayton residents have conflict during COVID-19. Mediation comes to the rescue.

    In Dayton, neighbor disputes and other conflicts ended up in mediation far more often in 2020, thanks to the Dayton Mediation Center's online services at a time when local court operations were limited by the pandemic. A 23% increase in cases can be seen as both bad news and good: more conflicts among people frustrated by social distancing, but more willingness to address conflicts constructively through dialogue mediated by trained volunteers. Dayton police, who are often called to intervene in neighborhood and domestic spats, will be trained to refer cases to the free mediation center in 2021.

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  • Coronavirus concerns revive labor organizing

    Employees at 7 Yakima Valley fruit packing plants, who are predominately Latinx, went on strike to protest inadequate protection and pay during the Covid-19 pandemic. Agricultural workers accounted for nearly one-fifth of the county’s positive cases. The worker initiated strikes and picket lines were supported by community members, union representatives, and non-profit legal centers. Workers returned to work after gaining concessions on better pay, safety protections, and the formation of worker advocacy committees. The state also issued new workplace safety standards for agricultural workers after protests.

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  • Helping Tenants and Landlords Resolve Issues — Before Going to Court

    The city of Philadelphia piloted a mediation program that showed how landlord-tenant disputes could be resolved short of an eviction lawsuit. Though the program only lasted two months and heard just a handful of cases, it demonstrated that landlords will participate voluntarily in a system that can equalize a power imbalance and resolve disputes in ways that prove less damaging to both parties. Demand for the mediation program could ramp up if an expected wave of evictions hits because of the pandemic's effects on the economy.

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  • The Courtroom of the Future Looks a Lot Like This Navajo Tradition

    Brooklyn’s Red Hook Peacemaking Program, part of the Red Hook Community Justice Center, is bringing together individuals in conflict to practice restorative justice. The program accepts cases coming through various courts, schools, and personal references, and brings together families, friends, and adversaries to participate in moderated, peacebuilding discussions. Seeing over 100 cases each year, the program has decreased recidivism rates and spread to other cities in New York.

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  • Native justice: How tribal values shape Judge Abby's court

    Across the country, tribal courts are seeking to break the cycle of recidivism and instead focus their efforts on rehabilitation and community. Judge Abinanti’s Yurok Tribal Court in California applies traditional Yurok values – responsibility, renewal, and restorative justice – in a way that builds compassion and addresses the deep trauma held by the people entering her court.

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