Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Shopping 'Wonky' Keeps Imperfect Goods From Going to Waste

    Several businesses like Love Health, Hate Waste are encouraging shoppers to be more eco-conscious by purchasing “wonky” products. Love Health, Hate Waste sells products past their “best before” date that aren’t expired or opened, as well as those with slightly damaged packaging at up to a 90% discount. This practice cuts down on food and general waste and saves consumers a significant amount of money.

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  • Fentanyl Test Strips Are an Easy Way to Save Lives

    Several states are changing their drug paraphernalia laws, making it legal to possess fentanyl test strips which allow those who use drugs to test them for fentanyl. Fentanyl test strips are a means of harm reduction that allows the person to make informed decisions about their drug use in an effort to reduce fatal drug overdoses.

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  • Low drowning toll in Northland due to local solutions

    A collaboration between Water Safety New Zealand, Surf Lifesaving New Zealand and the Coastguard has reduced the rate of drownings by nearly 80% in a year. Focusing on drowning hotspots, the team educates local residents on boat and water safety, providing courses that encourage locals to prioritize safety in and near the water.

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  • An Overdose Antidote Goes Viral

    Studies show that people who received at least one dose of naloxone following an opioid overdose are 11 times more likely to survive. In response, state policies and community-level programs and organizations are working to make naloxone accessible to those who need it. Today, naloxone can be found in grocery stores, gas stations, provided at events like concerts and community spaces like libraries.

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  • Keene-based syringe exchange becoming a resource for gender-affirming care

    The G.R.O.W. syringe service program (SSPs) helps people who use drugs and those who need injection supplies for gender-affirming hormone therapy get access to clean syringes and safely dispose of needles. Community-based programs like G.R.O.W. also offer first-aid kits, at-home HIV tests, Narcan and personal care items. There are currently 13 SSPs registered in the state. In 2023, G.R.O.W. alone distributed more than 44,400 syringes and collected about 37,700.

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  • LeadSafe Detroit helps protect kids from lead poisoning

    The Detroit LeadSafe Housing program targets households in zip codes with high numbers of homes built prior to 1978, before Congress banned lead paint in residential settings. The program has renovated 112 units since forming in 2016 and has since branched out to collaborate with Urban Neighborhood Initiatives to eliminate language barriers by reaching those in majority-Latino neighborhoods.

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  • New Life for Odesa's Beaches

    To revitalize the local tourism industry, Odesa authorities worked with the military and organizations like the Ukrainian Deminers Association to remove floating mines from the area’s beaches to reduce the safety risk for locals and tourists hoping to frequent the beaches in the summer. Trained divers inspect the sea floor to remove hazards and install nets to stop floating sea mines from getting too close to the shore. These efforts have allowed six beaches to reopen with updated safety measures in place, such as lifeguard patrols.

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  • What will it take for Arizona's gay bars to stop overdoses?

    In an effort to combat overdoses in the LGBTQ+ community, some local spaces — like gay bars — are carrying Narcan. While not every gay bar in the area is on board with carrying Narcan, there are several individuals and local organizations working to push these venues to make a change and helping to ensure people who need it can access the potentially life-saving drug if they need it.

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  • Harm Reduction: Is it saving lives, or helping enable addicts?

    The Virginia Harm Reduction Coalition (VHRC) uses harm reduction strategies to help those suffering from addiction by providing free supplies like overdose reversal spray, safe smoking kits and clean syringes, as well as connection to education and treatment options when people are ready. Those who access services through a harm reduction program are five times more likely to enter treatment programs. Last year alone, the VHRC distributed more than 20,000 doses of Narcan which they know reversed at least 2,000 overdoses.

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  • Fueling change through clean stoves

    The Clean Cooking Stove Entrepreneurship project offers two-week training programs to teach women how to practice safer, cleaner cooking practices as opposed to the dangerous open-fire cooking methods they’re most familiar with. Women who complete the training then return to their communities to advocate for and educate others on these new skills. Since starting in 2016, more than 9,000 women have received clean cooking education and access to stoves to practice these more sustainable cooking practices.

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