Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Through Melodies and Narratives: A Children's Book is Improving Oral Hygiene in Rural Nigeria

    The Dental Care Foundation uses “edutainment,” a combination of education and entertainment, to enhance oral hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices among children from low and middle-income families. The Foundation’s educational book, “The Girl Who Found Her Smile,” has had about 10,000 copies distributed to rural communities in several countries.

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  • Volusia County couple offers clean start to homeless residents

    A mobile shower facility called God’s Bathouse stops at churches in Florida to provide a safe environment for people experiencing homelessness to take a hot shower and address their health maintenance needs.

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  • The Cheap, Clever Promise of 'Water ATMs'

    The nonprofit Safe Water Network is training entrepreneurs in India to treat and filter water so they can run water ATMs. These businesses supply safe drinking water to communities that lack access to it for about half the price of any other option.

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  • Niger girls learn about menstruation to stay in school, tackle stigma

    In Niger, an initiative challenging menstrual stigma is promoting knowledge and hygiene through community engagement and mentorship. Since 2019, the foundation has reached over 20 schools, 35 communities, more than 3,000 women and girls.

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  • How to harvest water from clouds of fog

    As the drought in Kenya drags on, people are collecting water from the air by using plastic to funnel fog off of trees into buckets at night or a machine that pulls water from hot, moisture-filled air like a dehumidifier would.

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  • La primera planta de tratamiento de aguas con microalgas

    Una iniciativa público-privada impulsada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA), busca tratar aguas residuales urbanas y producir biofertilizantes a partir de organismos que se utilizan para suplementos dietarios humanos y animales.

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  • The Backyard Farmers Who Grow Food With Fog

    El Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua is leading an initiative to install fog catchers in communities across Peru that lack access to water as they continue to face a drought. The nonprofit provides communities with a netted device, a network of tubes, and storage containers that they put together to harvest water from fog.

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  • Reducing Maternal Mortality in Nigeria: The SHI Response

    The Safer Hands Health Initiative (SHI) aims to reduce maternal mortality across the country by educating and empowering birth attendants, healthcare centers and pregnant women to use safe delivery practices. SHI partners with medical boards and area hospitals to provide free training for birth attendants and also provides sterile birthing kits to expectant mothers. So far, SHI has trained over 200 birth attendants and has distributed more than 10,000 birthing kits.

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  • An innovative solution to tackling Nigeria's water crisis

    The Filter X360 uses gravity to purify water without requiring any power supply or chemicals by using ultrafiltration technology to remove bacteria and viruses from fresh water sourced from nearby rivers, lakes and ponds. The machine can purify 1,000 liters per hour and reduces the risk of illness and also prevents locals from having to purchase bottled water or simply go without clean drinking water.

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  • Paris Is Undergoing a Water Revolution

    By focusing on preventing water pollution at the source, fixing leaks in the system, and public education, Paris cleaned up its water network and decreased water use by 10% over the last ten years.

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