Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • My Neck of the Woods

    Community activism in the late 1800s led to the creation of a unique 6.1 million-acre forest preserve in New York called Adirondack Park. It’s explicitly protected by the state constitution and consists of half publicly-owned land and half privately-owned land.

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  • Athens bookstore battles bans by stocking shelves

    Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia, stocks, sells, and advertises banned books to make them more accessible and spark conversations about the topic.

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  • A mother's calling: Inside the fight to make prison phone calls free

    Advocates in Connecticut worked with the nonprofit Worth Rises to successfully campaign for a law that made phone calls and emails free in the state’s prison system. Expensive communication was a barrier for people who are incarcerated and their families, often impacting their mental health, relationships, and financial well-being.

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  • Envelope redesign helped Pa. voters avoid errors that cost them their vote

    After procedural errors such as missing dates and signatures caused a significant number of ballots to be rejected, Pennsylvania redesigned its mail ballots to emphasize the areas voters must fill out correctly for their ballot to be counted. Following the redesign, 9.6 percent fewer ballots were rejected for errors the new design tried to address, but other types of mistakes, such as voters not adding the year to the date, increased.

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  • Chicago student group organized "peace talk" forums for conversations on Israel and Gaza

    Student organizers with Chi Youth 4 Justice facilitated PzTalks, a series of forums at Chicago high schools to encourage conversation around Israel and Gaza and build bridges between Jewish and Arab American students. The events were held at 10 public high schools around the city and were tailored to each school’s population and priorities, with some drawing on restorative justice techniques to encourage open, respectful dialogue.

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  • Krakow Can Breathe Again

    An activist organization in Poland, Krakow Smog Alarm, teaches people about poor air quality in their city and helps them organize together to lobby their local governments for effective clean air measures.

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  • ULead Athens Supports Immigrant Students to Help Them Succeed And Much More

    Through ULead Athens, Latino youth interested in pursuing higher education get access to mentorship, standardized test tutoring, college prep, and scholarship support. The organization also has a civic engagement initiative that focuses on voter registration and education within the Latino community. Since it was founded in 2014, ULead has helped roughly 98 percent of participants interested in attending college to get accepted.

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  • Grupo liberal busca atraer a votantes latinos con $57 millones en ocho estados

    Ahora aprovechando su éxito en elecciones pasados, Somos Votantes y su comité de acción política trabajan para ampliar la educación y la participación de los votantes hispanos principalmente a través de visitas puerta a puerta, información bilingüe pagada, y una “sólida” organización comunitaria.

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  • Get Loud Arkansas sees success in new voter registration strategy

    Since Arkansas does not allow online voter registration, Get Loud Arkansas collects voters’ information via an online form and then submits the registration paperwork for them, helping reach residents who are less likely to register in person via paper applications. So far, 358 people have registered using the organization’s online system, and nearly 80 percent of those were people under 20.

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  • Reclaiming Our Homes

    Moms for Housing reclaim vacant homes owned by investors to provide a place for single mothers to live. Advocating for housing as a human right, 13 organizers are currently living in these unoccupied houses and through civil disobedience, managed to negotiate temporary housing as they continue fighting for permanent solutions to the area’s housing crisis.

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