Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Muslim spiritual care providers improve outcomes at HCMC

    In partnership with Open Path Resource, Hennepin Healthcare started integrating spiritual care into the medical care plan for Muslim patients to address stigma and build trust with medical professionals. The addition of spiritual care has had a significant impact on the hospital’s psychiatry department, reducing readmission rates from 24% in 2019, to 9% in 2023.

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  • How Native Nations Forced Federal Investment in Salmon Reintroduction

    The Upper Columbia United Tribes are working to reintroduce salmon along the Upper Columbia River after the Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams altered the environment, preventing the salmon from returning. Their research on the impact of the dam on the river, salmon, and their culture has pressured the U.S. government to uphold its obligations to them. So far, it’s committed $200 million for the reintroduction efforts as a result.

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  • Against all odds: Educating Nigeria's Fulani children amidst adversity

    Founded to address the root causes of cattle rustling in Nigeria, such as lack of access to education, as well as raise awareness of Fulani culture, the Fulani Care and Support Foundation set up makeshift classrooms to provide formal education for children aged 7 to 12. By relying on volunteer teachers, one of the foundation’s schools offers lessons for about 50 students three times a week.

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  • As temperatures in India break records, ancient terracotta air coolers are helping fight extreme heat

    Artists, architects, and urban designers in India are reimagining the ancient practice of cooling water in terracotta pots to create terracotta structures that cool the air nearby during extreme heat.

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  • Brooklyn Nonprofits Tailor Mental Health Care To Their Immigrant Clients' Cultures

    Nonprofits Mixteca, RaisingHealth, and Brave House are providing safe spaces for migrants to receive culturally relevant mental health care through workshops that incorporate cultural traditions and common mental health and self-care practices. The workshops help provide a sense of community and combat the stigma surrounding mental health in the immigrant community.

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  • Sin Título extends their brand from T-shirt slogans to mental health events 

    Sin Título started as a socially conscious clothing brand but has since evolved into a mutli-faceted brand that hosts mental health discussion panels and other events that aim to amplify marginalized voices and offer healing opportunities for the local Latinx population. One such event is their journaling series, the first of which, “Self Love Journal Club,” attracted about 100 people.

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  • Denver busca contratar y mantener a más maestros internacionales al ayudarlos con vivienda, capacitación y más

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver lanzaron el Instituto de Educadores Internacionales para proporcionar no solo apoyo profesional sino también apoyo personal a maestros internacionales nuevos. El Instituto ayuda los nuevos maestros encontrar un lugar donde vivir, entender asuntos financieros y de crédito, proporcionar otros apoyo sociales o emocionales, obtener más certificados y entender cómo funciona el sistema escolar de Denver. Eso ha causado que los maestros internacionales con visas de trabajo en DPS sumen un total de 234.

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  • Also Migrating From Latin America: A Wave of Urban Innovation

    The UCSD-Alacrán Community Station is a sanctuary neighborhood for migrants fleeing violence in their countries of origin that allows them to participate in building a community and new life for themselves. The neighborhood houses about 1,800 people on three acres and features a health clinic, food hub and school.

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  • Inside the exquisite Tibetan monasteries salvaged from climate change

    A team of Western art conservationists trained a community in Tibet how to restore historic monasteries that were crumbling due to the effects of climate change. Over decades of restoration work, the team sparked a cultural renaissance in the region and is providing economic opportunities for women.

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  • A crisis call line run by Native youth, for Native youth

    Crisis call lines by Native youth, for Native youth are emerging to ensure youth in need can receive culturally relevant mental health care. One such call line is Native and Strong, which has Indigenous counselors and trained youth volunteers to answer calls and texts through the crisis line. Since launching in 2022, Native and Strong has 30 people on staff who have answered the phone more than 5,000 times.

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