Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Virtual reality experience promotes understanding of challenges faced by transgender individuals

    An interactive virtual reality experience developed with transgender individuals called Body of Mine VR is fostering empathy and understanding by sharing personal narratives and anecdotes that demonstrate their journeys, struggles, and triumphs.

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  • How the 'Everywhere is Queer' app is helping LGBTQ+ people find queer-owned businesses

    The Everywhere Is Queer mobile app houses a directory of over 13,000 LGBTQ+-owned brick-and-mortar and online businesses, services and community groups around the world. The app features a map that highlights LGBTQ+-friendly businesses and safe spaces for members of the community and allies to frequent. The app also features a job board and access to therapists and has been downloaded over 80,0000 times since February.

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  • Keeping Cities Cool in a Warmer Future

    Researchers of the Cooling Singapore project are using huge amounts of data to build a detailed digital twin of the city that they can use to test how effective new methods of combatting extreme heat would be. It's a digital representation of Singapore that makes predictions based on data like traffic, weather, electricity demand, and where green spaces are.

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  • 'Precision ag' promised a farming revolution. It's coming, just slowly

    A St. Louis-based company, Impossible Sensing, is creating sensors that can be attached to the back of a planter to help farmers understand factors like nutrient level and soil health. It’s a form of precision agriculture, which essentially follows the notion that having more precise data leads to more efficient and sustainable farms.

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  • Inside the Hausa edtech platform bridging the language divide for Africans

    The online education platform Flowdiary is bridging a language gap in the industry by offering training courses in Hausa, so young people in Hausa-speaking communities across Africa can learn the necessary skills for a career in technology.

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  • How a Bipartisan Group Overcame the Odds to Pass the TikTok Divestment Bill

    To drum up bipartisan support for a bill that will require social media app TikTok to divest from the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to American users, legislators involved multiple committees in the process and enlisted the support of the Department of Justice to appeal directly to Democrats. The final version of the bill was attached to legislation providing aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and passed with little opposition.

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  • Business for Good: HeyKiddo

    The HeyKiddo app and educational curriculum allow parents and teachers to access information and activities that help develop students’ social and emotional health and empathy, teach them how to make responsible decisions and maintain healthy relationships. Over 500 families currently use the app and the portion for teachers, called The Huddle, is used in a handful of schools in California, with plans to expand.

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  • Attendance tracking program helps combat chronic absenteeism

    A specialized software called AttendanceK12 helps school secretaries, attendance counselors, and administrators more easily track student absences so they can intervene with families sooner, even offering options to automatically send parents an email when students reach a certain threshold of missed school hours. School leaders consider the technology an important element of a strategy that has helped reduce chronic absenteeism rates.

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  • How Science Sleuths Track Down Bad Research

    Software like Imagetwin and Proofig AI scan images in scientific studies to flag problematic, manipulated, and duplicated images. This is a difficult task that could take up to an hour to do manually, leading to studies passing peer review that should not have.

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  • The Smart Heart: How AI Is Sharpening Cardiovascular Medicine

    Several hospitals are beginning to use artificial intelligence, like Chat GPT’s medical assistant Suzanne, to make cardiovascular medicine more accurate and effective. AI can detect illnesses that are hard to see with the human eye, interpret test results and make diagnoses quicker and help doctors provide more effective treatment to patients. Since AI emerged in healthcare in 2018, the FDA has approved about 700 AI and machine learning-enabled medical devices.

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