Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'Precision ag' promised a farming revolution. It's coming, just slowly

    A St. Louis-based company, Impossible Sensing, is creating sensors that can be attached to the back of a planter to help farmers understand factors like nutrient level and soil health. It’s a form of precision agriculture, which essentially follows the notion that having more precise data leads to more efficient and sustainable farms.

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  • How 'Farmfluencers' Are Making Vietnam's Rice Fields More Sustainable

    The Viet Nam Farmers Union rolled out a train-the-trainer program focused on encouraging rice farmers in Vietnam to take up more sustainable practices. This style of training helps farmers overcome any hesitation towards trying new methods by allowing them to learn from their peers and see the success of demonstration plots.

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  • Caribbean startups are turning excess seaweed into an agroecology solution

    Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean are collecting harmful sargassum seaweed that washes up on the beaches and turning it into agricultural products that reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers. Red Diamond Compost, for example, uses growth-stimulating hormones from the seaweed to create a soil additive that improves plants’ ability to absorb nutrients.

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  • In Rural Western Uganda, A Tree-Planting Initiative Shows Signs of Life

    Ecosia, a nonprofit search engine that uses its profits to support tree-planting initiatives, is working with the Jane Goodall Institute Austria to grow 200,000 trees in Uganda. The organizations work with communities to design the projects around their needs and then support locals through the process of growing trees.

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  • Biochar Is ‘Low-Hanging Fruit' for Sequestering Carbon and Combating Climate Change

    Biochar is an organic material that can be mixed with soil to improve soil health, increase crop production, and sequester carbon. To make it, wood or other biomass is heated at high temperatures in an oxygen-deprived environment, like a kiln.

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  • New U.S. agroforestry project will pay farmers to expand 'climate-smart' acres

    A multi-partner effort in the United States, led by The Nature Conservancy, is helping farmers adopt agroforestry practices by providing funding and training. This style of farming encourages the growing of a variety of plants to enhance biodiversity and capture more carbon dioxide.

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  • Oman's mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

    Ancient farming techniques are helping locals to preserve the environment and agroecology while still managing to sustainably grow food in the midst of climate change and other outside challenges. Moreover, the ancient farming practices are a major attraction for agritourism, helping bring money to local communities.

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  • Pre-Pesticides, Pro-Farmer: The Rise of Agroecology

    Farmers around the world are implementing agroecology practices to make their farms more resilient to climate change while promoting climate justice to strengthen farming communities. Agroecology follows 13 principles that include ecological practices, like using organic fertilizers, and political and social values, like embracing land rights.

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  • Bird-friendly maple syrup boosts Vermont forest diversity & resilience

    Several organizations in Vermont banded together to create the Bird-Friendly Maple Project. The program encourages maple syrup makers to safeguard their forest habitats for birds using agroecology practices like keeping a diverse variety of native trees. Operations that meet the requirements receive an official label for their products.

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  • Soil Builds Prosperity From the Ground Up

    After they were socially, economically, and politically forced from their agricultural land, the people who have used regenerative farming principles for millennia are reimplementing the practice in their communities. This allows them to improve soil health and reconnect with the land.

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