Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Adult education finds home at a closed elementary school

    The Oakland Adult Education Center offers a variety of classes, such as ESL courses, GED preparation, computer literacy, and career development, and participants say the East Oakland location in a former elementary school has made the programs much easier to access. However, some in the neighborhood say the loss of the elementary school has been a difficult adjustment for local children and families.

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  • Taraba State confronts widespread adult illiteracy

    The Taraba State Mass Education Board provides literacy programs, continuing education, and skills training for adults who didn’t have access to formal schooling or who have disabilities. The board has schools in 16 local government areas across the state, and students say they feel empowered to pursue new careers and business opportunities thanks to their improved literacy skills.

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  • Got Broken Stuff? The Tool Library Has a Fix

    Dare to Repair helps people repair broken electronics, small appliances, and other items instead of throwing them away. Its Tool Library has diverted 7,779 pounds of waste from landfills and amassed a collection of nearly 5,000 tools available to community members. There are more than 3,000 repair cafes around the world and Buffalo’s Dare to Repair has nearly 1,500 members and processes more than 14,000 tool loans a year.

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  • South Africa's SAB Foundation: Why 90% of its investees are still in business five years later

    The SAB Foundation is an independent trust set up by South African Breweries (SAB) as part of the government’s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment scheme. It helps businesses — particularly underserved entrepreneurs like women and people with disabilities — grow and thrive. Since 2010, the Foundation has backed more than 6,400 social impact businesses in their early stages.

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  • Coding The Future: Ugandan Women Take Refresher Classes To Lead Digital Revolution

    Code Queens is a 10-week hands-on coding course designed to get young women interested in STEM careers. To graduate, students must participate in a hackathon that asks them to solve a real-world business challenge through coding.

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  • How a renter education course could lower barriers to housing

    The Rent Smart renter’s education program helps people who face barriers to finding housing gain the necessary skills and knowledge to have a successful renting experience. The program teaches participants their rights and responsibilities as a tenant and in a six-month follow-up survey, 92% of participants said they found safer, more affordable, better-quality housing after finishing the program.

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  • He's spent 29 years behind bars. For the past 6 months, he's also been a college professor.

    A new program through Adams State University hires incarcerated professors to teach in prison bachelor’s programs, providing them training and income while giving more people access to education behind bars. Students report that they prefer learning from someone who understands their experiences and is available to connect with outside of formal classes.

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  • Undoing machismo in Colombia

    A city-sponsored program in Bogotá, Colombia, sends outreach teams to businesses and events to teach men to do household tasks and help them talk about their feelings. The effort aims to redefine what it means to be a man and undo the traditional idea of machismo, or toxic masculinity.

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  • For People in Prison, Career Training Begins in a Virtual World

    Transfr is a tech company that provides free virtual reality job training and education to help facilitate employment opportunities. Transfr specifically focuses on providing these opportunities for disadvantaged people in places like domestic violence shelters, mental health clinics, juvenile detention centers and state correctional institutions where access to skill-building and further education is often hard to access. So far Transfr has 30 partnerships across 18 states.

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  • Fueling change through clean stoves

    The Clean Cooking Stove Entrepreneurship project offers two-week training programs to teach women how to practice safer, cleaner cooking practices as opposed to the dangerous open-fire cooking methods they’re most familiar with. Women who complete the training then return to their communities to advocate for and educate others on these new skills. Since starting in 2016, more than 9,000 women have received clean cooking education and access to stoves to practice these more sustainable cooking practices.

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