Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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  • Inside the Hausa edtech platform bridging the language divide for Africans

    The online education platform Flowdiary is bridging a language gap in the industry by offering training courses in Hausa, so young people in Hausa-speaking communities across Africa can learn the necessary skills for a career in technology.

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  • Toyota Opens a 'Megasite' for EV Batteries in a Struggling N.C. Community, Fueled by Biden's IRA

    Toyota is building a battery plant in the small town of Liberty, North Carolina, and ushering in an economic revival. Along with the thousands of jobs it is expected to bring to the area, the company is working with community colleges and paying students to complete programs in which they learn the necessary skills to work at the plant.

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  • Faith-Based Initiative Helping Nigerians Beat Unemployment

    The Youths United for God Global Foundation trains youth in various skills and trades, such as cutting hair, farming and working with computers, to help them become better equipped to secure jobs and income. Training sessions run every three months, and so far over 1,000 youths have been directly impacted by the program, many of which have gone on to forge careers and gain a sense of financial security with their newly-learned skills.

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  • Denver busca contratar y mantener a más maestros internacionales al ayudarlos con vivienda, capacitación y más

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver lanzaron el Instituto de Educadores Internacionales para proporcionar no solo apoyo profesional sino también apoyo personal a maestros internacionales nuevos. El Instituto ayuda los nuevos maestros encontrar un lugar donde vivir, entender asuntos financieros y de crédito, proporcionar otros apoyo sociales o emocionales, obtener más certificados y entender cómo funciona el sistema escolar de Denver. Eso ha causado que los maestros internacionales con visas de trabajo en DPS sumen un total de 234.

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  • Illinois Ended Cash Bail. Now Reformers Want More Support for People on Pretrial Release.

    The Community Release With Support program provides wraparound services to people on pretrial release by connecting them with housing support, employment services, and education programs, as well as helping participants make their court dates. These services have become even more vital since Illinois passed the Pretrial Fairness Act to eliminate cash bail requirements. Roughly 3,000 people have participated in the support program, which has connected 1,000 people with employment services, more than 740 with education programs, and more than 250 with housing support.

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  • Sustainable plastic recycling: Cleaner life for us, better livelihood for waste collectors

    The Recycling for the Environment by Strengthening Income and Livelihoods of Entrepreneurs (RESILIENT) Project helps support the economy of waste collectors and aggregators by providing training, safety equipment and mentorship on how to handle finances and operate a waste business. Waste collectors and aggregators who have participated in the RESILIENT Project earn increased profits and are able to collect and recycle more plastics and other materials.

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  • A social enterprise makes money, but it makes a lot more than that for the people involved

    There are more than 500 certified social enterprises in Australia, employing people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and others who need extra support to help them secure stable employment to create better futures for themselves and their families. In Australia alone, the number of certified social enterprises is growing at 16% per year.

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  • Saving Mothers and Giving Life through Quality Accreditation of Private Health Facilities

    The Saving Mothers, Giving Life project aims to improve access to and the quality of maternal and infant healthcare to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. The project established a Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response team and launched an interactive digital chat solution on WhatsApp to get important health information to pregnant women. Through these efforts, maternal and perinatal deaths in 25 private health facilities decreased by 60% and 16%, respectively.

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  • Colorado nonprofit recruits older adults to fill critical positions in early childhood education

    The Early Childhood Service Corps recruits retired adults to fill vacancies in preschools and daycares, allowing retirees to work part time while also helping to address staffing shortages in the industry. So far, the program has trained 110 older adults as part-time substitute teachers, and a few have gone on to take full-time positions.

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