Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Funds to Help Low-Income Families With Summer Electric Bills Are Stretched Thin

    The government-funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is meant to help households across the United States keep afford the cost of heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.

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  • Could the Mississippi River benefit from Chesapeake Bay's strategy to improve water quality?

    A unique regional cleanup program was designed to reduce the nutrient runoff in the Chesapeake Bay using a legally-enforceable pollution quota across six U.S. states.

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  • Former foster youth are eligible for federal housing aid. Georgia isn't helping them get it

    The federal Foster Youth to Independence program provides housing vouchers for young people leaving the foster system to help them keep up with rent as they transition to living on their own. But states have to coordinate the funding with local housing agencies, and in Georgia, a lack of coordination led to only eight vouchers being distributed since the program began.

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  • A post-mortem on Oregon's drug decriminalization efforts

    While the decriminalization effort Measure 110 failed to fully meet the mark, the Health Justice Recovery Alliance joined forces with local law enforcement to create a pilot program that helped locals struggling with addiction. Through the program, police can contact an outreach worker who will come to the scene and connect the person struggling with addiction to support services such as detox care and housing, helping lead them toward long-term recovery. So far, the pilot program has helped over 200 people.

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  • What will it take to get companies to embrace reusable packaging?

    The nonprofit PR3 is working to standardize reusable packaging systems for businesses like coffee shops and grocery stores to make them easier to scale and adopt as a replacement to single-use materials.

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  • 8 years into America's e-scooter experiment, what have we learned?

    E-scooters have struggled to find their footing since spreading across the United States as an eco-friendly transportation option. Companies like Lime are looking for ways to increase rider safety and ensure the scooters are as sustainable as possible.

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  • Why Portland failed where Portugal succeeded in decriminalizing drugs

    After the Oregon Legislature voted to reverse a law decriminalizing drug possession for personal use in response to a spike in overdoses, advocates attributed the legislation’s failure to poor implementation, complications related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and inadequate time to produce results.

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  • Dairy Digesters Promise to Cut Methane — Unfortunately, They Might Be an Inefficient Band-Aid

    Dairy digesters are oxygen-free systems that break down organic material like manure and turn methane into “biogas,” which can be used to generate electricity or processed into transportation fuel. Once heralded and championed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture as one of the most cost-effective emissions reductions programs, new research shows the real cost is up to 17-times more than what state and industry officials have publicly claimed.

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  • Why a White House Plan to Fund Office-to-Housing Conversions Isn't Working Yet

    The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau allocated $35 billion in funding for development projects near public transportation that would transform underutilized offices into much-needed housing.

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  • Taiwan Learned You Can't Fight Fake News by Making It Illegal

    Ahead of its 2020 presidential election, Taiwan tried to fight disinformation from Chinese actors in the courts, prosecuting citizens who were paid to disseminate fake news and fining pro-China news stations accused of broadcasting false information. But the tactics proved ineffective and raised concerns around free speech, leading the country to take a different approach during the onset of the pandemic and leading up to its latest election by making accurate information more widely available and bolstering its network of civic fact-checking organizations.

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