Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Planning Parenthood for Incarcerated Men

    Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties hosts workshops for incarcerated youth to teach them about sexual wellness, as well as the elements of healthy relationships, consent and the consequences of toxic masculinity. The workshops educate young men so they can have the knowledge they — and their partners — need to have better health outcomes. The workshops began in 2013 and expect to reach about 300 incarcerated teens and young men by the end of June as they continue expanding.

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  • How Mexico's Abortion Activists Care for Each Other—and Themselves

    Necesito Abortar is a group of 20 “acompañantes” (companions) who provide support and education throughout the abortion process. The group provides counseling, in-person and virtual accompaniment and follow-up care for people seeking at-home abortions. The group also works to take care of its volunteers by hosting annual meetings for volunteers to connect, and encouraging them to make time for self care.

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  • Cooperative Ways to Weather the Silver Tsunami

    Worker cooperatives, which are worker-owned and democratically operated, are spreading across the United States as a response to the large number of baby-boomer-owned businesses closing with no succession plan. Baltimore’s Common Ground Cafe is an example of staff, the community, and a local cooperative incubator coming together to do just that.

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  • Soil Builds Prosperity From the Ground Up

    After they were socially, economically, and politically forced from their agricultural land, the people who have used regenerative farming principles for millennia are reimplementing the practice in their communities. This allows them to improve soil health and reconnect with the land.

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  • The Rainbow Connection

    The Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Anita May Rosenstein campus provides an intergenerational community — and housing — for LGBTQ+ youth and seniors experiencing homelessness. The Center has 202 affordable housing units and it also offers several programs and services including counseling, support groups, job assistance, skills training and connections to health and mental health care, all while fostering community between the seniors and youth staying at the Center.

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  • A Model for Disability Justice in Emergency Shelters

    The Alliance Center for Independence (ACI) started working with people who have disabilities to create better disaster preparedness measures that consider disabilities, ensuring support and shelter are accessible to anyone and everyone. ACI held an overnight shelter simulation exercise that allowed them to practice each step of an emergency shelter response with people who have disabilities to identify any areas that could be improved. These simulations have become a model for other counties across the state, inspiring more shelters to make improvements to their accessibility.

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  • The Surprising Power of Wastewater Wetlands

    Wastewater treatment plants constructed to mimic natural wetlands — complete with varied topographies, native plants, and logs — are becoming a popular way to prevent pollution while creating environments where wildlife can thrive.

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  • Indigenous Gardens Cultivate Healing

    Colleges like Oregon State University (OSU), are re-indigenizing the campus landscape to create a welcoming, healing space and stop the further erasure of Indigenous culture and presence on college campuses. OSU created an ethnobotanical garden, full of Native plants and crops, as well as an Indigenous center for students and staff to gather on campus. These gardens and Indigenous spaces help to show the community how Native plants can sustain people and OSU plans to continue improving its cultural offerings by installing Native signage around campus and holding Indigenous cultural burnings.

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  • Landless Workers Fight for Fair Food

    The Landless Workers Movement in Brazil is fighting for land access for rural workers and is breaking up unequal land monopolies by squatting on privately-owned vacant land. This practice attracts the attention of the federal government, which assesses whether it can buy the land and provide it to the movement to live and farm on.

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  • Delivering Addresses (and Access) to the Navajo Nation

    The Rural Utah Project is working to connect rural, off-the-grid residents in Navajo Mountain with fundamental services like mail, emergency medical care and voter access that they were often denied due to lacking a formally recognized address. Google’s Plus Code tool is allowing simple 10-digit codes to be generated anywhere in the world and instantly located on Google Maps. The codes can easily be looked up and doubles as a formal address in most cases.

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