Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • "The Psychology of Crisis:" RISE Podcast, Episode 4

    To help support those affected by the devastating floods in 2021, several organizations are stepping in to help residents. Kentucky River Community Care provides mental health services and support for those struggling with trauma from the floods.

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  • Farming After Disaster in Eastern Kentucky

    Several organizations, researchers, and area farmers alike are working to get local farmers back on track after catastrophic flooding in the summer of 2022 destroyed many farmers’ crops, tools, and homes by focusing on shifting toward more climate-resilient farming practices and providing resources like compost deliveries to help replenish soil.

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  • Artists heal their businesses and communities in the wake of devastating floods

    Local art businesses, like dance studios, record stores, and tattoo parlors, that have historically served as community centers for local creatives are working with community members to help rebuild their facilities after catastrophic flooding.

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  • In Recovery, Helping Communities Rebuild After Flooding

    When severe flooding hit Kentucky, the bakery at the Hemphill Community Center continued to pay its workers to do community support and flood recovery work instead of their typical jobs. The bakery is a recovery-to-work program for people facing addiction, so keeping their jobs and a sense of community helps them continue recovering despite stressful circumstances.

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