Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The little-known but successful model for protecting human and labor rights

    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) formed the first worker-driven social responsibility program in 1993, and since then they’ve advocated across industries for corporate social responsibility and preventing worker exploitation. The CIW also created the Fair Food Program which has helped add more than $45 million to farm workers’ paychecks.

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  • The best plan to help refugees might also be the simplest

    The nonprofit GiveDirectly provides refugees with cash to help them sustain themselves, focusing on those living in cities, as they’re less likely to receive the same assistance as humanitarian camps do. Nearly 1,200 people were given $925 to spend however they wanted — some opening bank accounts, others starting businesses — and reported they were able to nearly double their monthly income and after six months, 88% of recipients were earning more money than ever before.

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  • America has a good model for how to handle immigration: America

    The United States’ refugee resettlement program provides language classes, job training, housing help, and support in applying for federal benefits, among other services, to refugees placed by the agency. However, the same type of assistance is not provided for all types of migrants, such as asylum seekers.

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  • How will we feed Earth's rising population? Ask the Dutch.

    In the Netherlands’ Seed Valley some of the largest seed companies in the world are increasing agricultural output to feed the growing world population using less land. They use plant breeding, which involves combining the DNA of different crop varieties, and seed enhancement, which involve germinating the seeds early to shorten the dormant period in which they are most vulnerable. Seed enhancement can also include coating seeds with solutions that combat dangers like disease and wind gusts.

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  • Climate disasters hit poor people hardest. There's an obvious solution to that.

    An effective way to help those most vulnerable to climate disasters is by providing just-in-time cash transfers right before a disaster hits for them to use as they see fit for resilience and climate change adaptation.

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  • 40 Acres: Reaching reconciliation

    Protesters in Manhattan Beach, Calif., organized a campaign to return Bruce's Beach, a 7,000-square-foot plot of land that was taken from its Black owners in the 1920s, to the descendents of the original proprietors. The success of the effort led to the formation of Where is My Land, an organization that puts pressure on municipalities and governments to return land that was stolen from Black people throughout the United States' history.

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  • Child poverty in the US was stagnant — and then something changed

    The economic impact payments and expanded child tax credits given to American households during the COVID-19 Pandemic helped reduce rates of child poverty and food insecurity.

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  • Why beavers matter as the planet heats up

    Beavers and the dams they build have been found to be tools against climate change as the planet’s temperature continues to rise. Dams slow water down and allow it to seep into the Earth, providing groundwater for humans, and also cools down both water and air temperatures. Beaver dams also create wetland ecosystems that are practically resistant to wildfires.

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  • Humans finally figured out how to make it rain

    Farmers facing drought turn to cloud seeding, a process in which silver iodide is released into clouds, to help produce rainfall for their crops.

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  • A study gave cash and therapy to men at risk of criminal behavior. 10 years later, the results are in.

    Crime and violence went down by 50 percent in a group of at-risk Liberian men when they were offered therapy as well as cash - even up to a decade later. The long-lasting impact of the study has inspired a similar program in Chicago where youth are given access to therapy as well as job training. Criminal arrests have fallen by half in the group of men who took part in the Chicago initiative.

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