Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • U.S. East Coast adopts 'living shorelines' approach to keep rising seas at bay

    Contractors and homeowners in Maine are installing living shorelines to deal with the effects of rising sea levels and stronger storms caused by climate change. As opposed to concrete jetties and breakwaters, living shorelines use natural materials like logs, salt-tolerant plants, and coconut fiber to protect the land from erosion and create valuable habitat for local animals.

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  • Caribbean startups are turning excess seaweed into an agroecology solution

    Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean are collecting harmful sargassum seaweed that washes up on the beaches and turning it into agricultural products that reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers. Red Diamond Compost, for example, uses growth-stimulating hormones from the seaweed to create a soil additive that improves plants’ ability to absorb nutrients.

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  • New U.S. agroforestry project will pay farmers to expand 'climate-smart' acres

    A multi-partner effort in the United States, led by The Nature Conservancy, is helping farmers adopt agroforestry practices by providing funding and training. This style of farming encourages the growing of a variety of plants to enhance biodiversity and capture more carbon dioxide.

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  • Oman's mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

    Ancient farming techniques are helping locals to preserve the environment and agroecology while still managing to sustainably grow food in the midst of climate change and other outside challenges. Moreover, the ancient farming practices are a major attraction for agritourism, helping bring money to local communities.

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  • Mini radio tags help track ‘murder hornets' and other invasive insects

    Scientists are using radio tracking technology to track invasive species like “murder hornets” to prevent them from overrunning the environment. The tagged hornet leads scientists to their nest, allowing them to eliminate the hive before an invasion occurs. Neither the U.S. nor Canada has had a giant hornet sighting since the last nest was destroyed in 2021, but this technology allows researchers to be prepared.

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  • Culture and conservation thrive as Great Lakes tribes bring back native wild rice

    Native tribes and First Nations in the Great Lakes Region are successfully reviving wild rice, a native crop that is deemed “extremely vulnerable” to climate change and lost much of its wetland habitat. The tribes’ restoration projects involve seeding lakebeds, monitoring water levels and quality, educating others on the importance of the crop, and harvesting it by hand.

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  • Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil

    A rewilding project at Iberá National Park in Argentina is reintroducing giant anteaters where they were previously considered extinct by bringing orphaned pups onto wild, protected land and allowing them to roam freely.

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  • Traditional healers in Philippines keep their 'forest pharmacy' standing

    A community of mananambal, or healers, in the Philippines are helping to conserve the forests around their community by practicing their sustainable, healing traditions and spiritual beliefs. They protect the nature around them because it is considered a source of healing and home to spirits, and they only prune trees and gather herbs in ways that promote growth.

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  • Do carbon credits really help communities that keep forests standing?

    Despite some support for the forest conservation strategy REDD+, which uses carbon credits to incentivize reducing emissions, many Indigenous organizations and communities say the strategy and general carbon market need improvement. They say the programs don’t lead to the purported benefits and must be more inclusive of those proactively protecting forests and local communities, among other things.

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  • Bird-friendly maple syrup boosts Vermont forest diversity & resilience

    Several organizations in Vermont banded together to create the Bird-Friendly Maple Project. The program encourages maple syrup makers to safeguard their forest habitats for birds using agroecology practices like keeping a diverse variety of native trees. Operations that meet the requirements receive an official label for their products.

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