Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Filling the lockdown learning gaps with pub quizzes

    Five recently-graduated doctors put together a virtual bar-trivia-style program called SOLViT to supplement med students' curriculum during their final year, when they should be receiving in-hospital training, but can't because of the pandemic. The 90-minute sessions cover 29 topics in the students' syllabus like maternal infections and bladder cancer, is formatted to quiz the students in a true/false format, and draws from pop culture references to reinforce learning.

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  • How Mexico City's poorest neighbourhood is battling climate change

    The people in a neighborhood in Mexico City are coming up with innovative solutions to handle climate-related disasters like flood. They use an early warning system that uses a radio signal and WhatsApp to warn residents of environmental dangers. However, the app does not always work. And a mobile classroom offers simulations about how government decisions are made when deciding danger levels of disasters. While thousands of residents had been trained, the classroom is usually only in the neighborhood for a day. Yet, these solutions based on education and communication could be applied to other communities.

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  • Saving and protecting peatlands in Indonesia

    The degradation of peatlands is a public health and climate change issue. Organizations in Indonesia are working to understand these wetlands better by mapping the location of them throughout the country and around the world. By creating a comprehensive picture of peatlands, which contribute up to 10 percent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, key partners can understand how to prevent carbon emitting from the wetlands into the atmosphere.

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  • In Czech Republic, cryptocurrency mining boosts agriculture

    Using cryptocurrency mining, technological innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking, Parallel Garden, a Czech-based initiative, is tackling unsustainable agricultural practices. The project seeks to increase local food production and reduce waste, while sharing best practices with other communities through open-sourcing.

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  • The New Wave of Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

    Making fashion sustainable requires a shift in the culture of the industry. Several brands and organizations are already working to change the unethical and unsustainable practices in fashion. From mobilizing hashtags to pressure brands into increasing transparency, to inventing new fibers that are less water intensive, these ethical approaches to fashion promote alternatives to the wasteful norms of the prevailing consumer culture.

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  • Breaking down the stigma around miscarriage and stillbirth

    People are working to bring the trauma of stillbirth into the mainstream so they can heal. From full length feature movies to legislation that includes stillbirth in the qualifications for bereavement leave, people are working to legitimize the grief of losing unborn children.

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