Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can New York City Treat Its Food Scraps As More Than Trash?

    New York City’s Compost Project supports a network of community compost operations to reduce the waste sent to landfills. Each composter operates differently based on local conditions and needs. BK Rot, for example, employs local Black and Brown youth to collect organic scraps from homes and businesses and sells its compost.

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  • Can Seaweed Save American Shellfish?

    Researchers, conservationists, and shellfish farmers on both U.S. coasts are starting and studying seaweed farms as a way to soak up excess nutrients in acidic water to help shellfish survive and grow.

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  • Restaurants Create a Mound of Plastic Waste. Some Are Working to Fix That.

    Recirclable provides reusable takeout boxes that customers can return to a participating restaurant within two weeks to avoid being charged a fee, which allows restaurants to cut down on disposable containers that harm the environment. So far Recirclable is working with 14 restaurants and has had thousands of customers select the reusable option, but the effort is difficult to scale up because reuse requires more effort on the part of the consumer and there’s not yet sufficient infrastructure to streamline the process.

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  • Empowering Black Farmers and Landowners With Solar Energy

    The renewable energy company EnerWealth Solutions is helping Black farmers in the Carolinas install solar panels among their crops so they can benefit financially from the solar boom with a consistent stream of income.

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  • Can Prescription Meal Kits Help Fight Diabetes?

    Healthy Food Rx is a prescription meal kit delivery program that delivers twice-monthly meal kits to adults with diabetes, providing them with produce and other healthy foods. The program addresses food insecurity, while also making a case for the power of using food as medicine to manage chronic conditions.

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  • PFAS Shut Maine Farms Down. Now, Some Are Rebounding.

    Since testing by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection found shockingly high levels of PFAS and PFOS — also known as forever chemicals — on land across the state, researchers and locals have been working on remediation. In one example, the Aroostook Band of the Mi’kmaq found that hemp grown on contaminated land extracts large amounts of the chemicals from the soil.

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  • California Leads the Way in Low-Carbon School Meals

    Schools in California are offering more plant-based options to make lunch more climate-friendly, healthier, and more inclusive for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

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  • This Network of Regenerative Farmers Is Rethinking Chicken

    Minnesota-based Tree-Range Farms is teaching farmers to practice regenerative poultry farming. The chickens are raised in two fenced-in plots of land alongside trees and perennial plants, switching locations when the plants in one plot are grazed down. The practice improves soil health and, therefore, water and carbon sequestration.

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  • These Farmers Recharged their Groundwater by Catching California's Atmospheric Rivers

    Farmers in California are taking advantage of recent heavy rainfall by intentionally flooding their fields to restore the underground aquifers after years of drought.

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  • Forging Pathways to Land Access for BIPOC Farmers in Georgia

    It can be difficult to find and afford farmland in the United States, so a web tool called Georgia FarmLink connects disadvantaged farmers to landowners and resources for help with legal and business advice.

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