
Expanding Access

Solutions Journalism Network

Making a difference means distributing goods and services more equitably. By extending the reach of innovations, we can bring solutions to under-served populations and communities. Using new technology to solve old problems, eliminating existing barriers to access, and creating equitable distribution systems are just some of the tactics that work to expand access to resources for those in need.

But how can we scale local solutions to enact larger, systemic change? How do we know what works, or what challenges these approaches might face? The stories in this collection offer evidence of what works, what doesn’t, and how we can improve when it comes to expanding access.

In Villages Without Doctors, Tina Rosenberg asks whether doctors and nurses are the only path toward expanding rural health networks. In her piece, we read about how access to healthcare can be expanded by reducing costs—in this case, by relying more on communities and less on specialists. Another story considers affordable housing, showing us that be rewriting the rules to make them more equitable has a positive impact on communities.

Read on to learn more about how rural cooperatives are working to link the rural United States to the fiber optic, and how the LA Unified School district is using grab-and-go food distribution to ensure that meals get into the hands of children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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