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  • A New Weapon Against Climate Change May Float

    Floating wind turbines off the coast of Portugal is one of the latest experiments to convert wind energy into electric power. These machines can generate electricity for a city of up to 60,000 people. While it will take more financing and time to scale the project, investors are impressed with the results and see it as a viable financial return to combat climate change.

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  • Betting on a new way to make concrete that doesn't pollute

    Solidia, a cement and concrete technology company, is changing the chemistry of how cement is created that could make the building material cheaper and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Cement plants create more carbon dioxide than any other manufacturing process, so the American-based company is testing how to use the greenhouse gas to incorporate it into the mixture instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. So far, it can reduce as much as 70 percent of CO2 that is normally emitted from the process and it's faster to make than normal concrete.

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  • In London, Electric Trucks Are Helping UPS Make ‘Eco-Friendly' Deliveries

    UPS has converted about one-third of its diesel vehicles to electric power, a move backed by the British government to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution in London. While making the switch to electric reveled challenges with the city’s power grid, officials said they have been encouraged by the results of the pilot program, which could also be applicable to other modes of transportation like buses and ambulances in other cities around the world.

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