Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An experiment doled out money to homeless people in Denver, no strings attached. Here's what happened.  

    The Denver Basic Income Project provided people experiencing homelessness with no-strings-attached monthly stipends that they could spend however they’d like. At the end of the pilot, twice as many participants were in stable housing, more of them were working full time, and the nights that participants spent in shelters decreased by half.

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  • Colorado is paying parents to take care of children with disabilities, a pandemic benefit that's sticking around

    During the pandemic, caregivers stopped entering people’s homes, so Medicaid restructured to pay parents to provide care for their children with disabilities rather than hired help. About 1,200 families across the state signed up for the program, making $15 an hour for up to 10 hours a week teaching those with disabilities “homemaker” tasks like cooking and cleaning.

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  • Brighton's holistic approach to housing aims to break the cycle for the next generation

    The Brighton Housing Authority uses a holistic approach to help those experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. The organization provides tutoring to kids, runs a domestic violence program that provides temporary housing, and gives out rent and gas vouchers to those in need.

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  • RTD hires its first homeless outreach coordinator to visit stations, offer services to those illegally camped

    Through a collaborative effort between the Jefferson Center, the community mental health center for Jefferson County, and RTD train stations, those experiencing homelessness are receiving help. RTD hosts a homeless navigator that connects people at bus and train stations to mental health centers. The collaboration also links those in need with shelters, a hot meal, or even needle-exchange programs.

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  • Kids' health is impacted most by life outside a doctor's office, so Children's Hospital is treating social-economic wellness, too

    The Resource Connect program began in 2019 and works to connect families with children in need with necessary resources like food, diapers, and school supplies. The point is to address the factors outside the doctor’s office that affect children’s health. In the three years since it opened, Resource Connect has helped 4,235 patients get social services.

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  • Colorado screening newborn babies for spinal muscular atrophy

    A joint project between Wyoming and Colorado screens newborns for spinal muscular atrophy, allowing them to receive gene therapies to prevent the deadly disease’s progression. Once researchers identified a protein missing from the cells of people with the disease, they developed treatments that are most effective the earlier they are started. The tests have significantly increased the number of cases identified across the two states, all of which are sent to Children’s Hospital Colorado for immediate treatment. Most babies are diagnosed within four days of birth and can start treatment soon after that.

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  • Mental health care in Colorado has gone virtual thanks to coronavirus. For some patients, it's long overdue.

    In Colorado, most mental health services have been moved online as a response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. Called telemental health, the virtual sessions give those that regularly see a therapist, or need to because of increased anxiety during the pandemic, an option to from home. While this is being seen as a breakthrough in services, barriers like access to technology and the lack of interpersonal connection provides their own set of challenges.

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  • A fungus threatens survival of the only toads that live high in the Rocky Mountains

    Researchers from the University of Colorado and Colorado Parks and Wildlife are hoping the experimental antifungal bacterial baths they gave toads in the Rocky Mountains are working. A fungus called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been killing amphibians around the world, but researchers think they may have found a way to stop it. In the lab, the experimental bath showed a 40% decrease in mortality, indicating promising results in the wild.

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  • To catch sex traffickers and protect kids, Colorado is using a new screening tool statewide

    In Colorado, a state law requiring the use of a screening tool is being used to combat sex trafficking at the individual level. The screening tool identifies and offers support and protection to victims of sex trafficking – many of whom are runaways from the foster care system – and has led to multiple prosecutions of sex traffickers.

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  • Immigrants here illegally were waiting until near death to get dialysis. A new Colorado policy changes that.

    Throughout the US, the majority of states have policy in place that dictates against treating immigrants there illegally for kidney failure until it reaches emergent conditions, costing states millions of dollars each year. Colorado, however, recently became the sixth state to enact a new policy that allows Medicaid to cover regular dialysis treatments, saving the state $17 million per year and decreasing physician burnout from treating such severe cases.

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