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  • Alternative Mourning Rituals Offer Comfort And Closure During An Outbreak

    Because a body can transmit a virus for up to ten days after death, family members who lost a loved one suffer from the lack of contact. In the DRC, where Ebola hit hard, psychologists have devised new ways of mourning with aspects of traditional burials in order to properly and safely mourn a family member. The Bethesda Counseling Center uses alternative burial methods like group sessions that release feelings in verbal and written forms and creates living memorials by planting trees and flowers. Families testify to how the program helped them heal, and the program could be scaled and applied elsewhere.

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  • Smoke and Mirrors: Inside Malawi's untold health crisis

    'Unclean' cooking - rudimentary, open-fire cooking practiced by millions of people around the world - is one of the leading causes of respiratory disease and death, especially for women, in developing countries; it is also a serious contributor to deforestation, air pollution, and continued poverty (due to the cost of fuel). But a solution has been gaining momentum in Malawi with help from the UN, in the form of clean, more efficient cookstoves that not only emit less smoke, but use less fuel and reduce the risk of burns to family members.

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  • Illegal logging in Malawi: can clean cooking stoves save its forests?

    In much of Malawi, the electrical grid is highly unreliable and the cost of fuels like petroleum prohibitive, forcing most families to rely on the black market for illegally-sourced charcoal and leading to heavy deforestation. But some NGOs are tackling the issue with a grassroots approach: rather than relying on the army to punish illegal logging, they are helping women provide cleaner, more efficient cookstoves to their communities - reducing the amount of fuel burned as well as toxic smoke from open fires.

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