Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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  • How Ecotourism Became an Unexpected Climate Solution in an At-Risk Guatemalan National Park

    The community living in Northern Guatemala’s Sierra del Lacandón National Park monitors the landscape for fires set by people looking to clear the forest illegally and is trained to prevent them from spreading. They’re focusing on ecotourism as an alternative way to earn a living.

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  • How the Nez Perce are using an energy transition to save salmon

    The Nez Perce Tribe is installing solar panels on homes and community buildings across their reservation with the goal of producing enough energy to replace the hydroelectric dams on the Snake River responsible for the diminishing salmon and steelhead populations.

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  • With prayers and well wishes, students release thousands of salmon fry in Okanagan waters

    The Okanagan Nation Alliance leads a Fish in Schools program that donates fish spawn and the equipment to raise them to elementary and secondary schools near their territory. Thousands of fish raised by the students are released into local waterways during ceremonies at the end of the school year as a part of their efforts to bring salmon back to the area.

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  • Could the Mississippi River benefit from Chesapeake Bay's strategy to improve water quality?

    A unique regional cleanup program was designed to reduce the nutrient runoff in the Chesapeake Bay using a legally-enforceable pollution quota across six U.S. states.

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  • Beavers Are Back in London — and They're Thriving

    A volunteer-run community organization is reintroducing beavers to London as part of a larger rewilding effort. The beavers are alleviating flooding and helping biodiversity thrive in the eight-hectare public park they live in by building dams and canals.

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  • The 'Save the Oceans' Tax Break: Recycling Oyster Shells

    Sometimes bolstered by state tax credits, oyster recycling projects across the United States are encouraging restaurants to save their oyster shells, which are used to restore reefs instead of ending up as waste.

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  • A Peruvian river with rights: the defenders of the Marañón

    A group of Kukama women, a native community of the Peruvian Amazon, worked with lawyers from the Legal Defense Institute to sue the Peruvian State. The lawsuit was intended prevent and clean up oil spills and pollution in the Marañón River that they’d been fighting against for years. In a historic ruling, the judge recognized that the river has rights and must be protected.

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  • U.S. East Coast adopts 'living shorelines' approach to keep rising seas at bay

    Contractors and homeowners in Maine are installing living shorelines to deal with the effects of rising sea levels and stronger storms caused by climate change. As opposed to concrete jetties and breakwaters, living shorelines use natural materials like logs, salt-tolerant plants, and coconut fiber to protect the land from erosion and create valuable habitat for local animals.

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  • Plastic-choked rivers in Ecuador are being cleared with conveyor belts

    The startup Ichthion created a system that skims plastic off of rivers in Ecuador to prevent it from reaching the ocean. A floating barrier stretches across the river to catch the plastic without disrupting fish, and a person manually guides the pollution onto the shore where it’s sorted for recycling.

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