Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Michigan's free school meals yield high returns for student health and academic success

    Free school meal programs help improve students’ health, support better academic performance and combat hunger and food insecurity. Several states have passed legislation to keep free meal plans active after federal waivers ran out in 2022. In Michigan alone in October 2023, the 3,459 school meal sites across the state served 10,064,686 free breakfasts and 17,659,809 free lunches.

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  • To support underserved students, four-year universities offer two-year associate degrees

    Arrupe College offers two-year associate degree programs in smaller classes and at significantly lower costs on the Loyola University campus. At Arrupe College, 50% of the students graduate, and 70% of graduates continue to earn their bachelor’s degrees. With the help of the nonprofit Come To Believe Network, several four-year universities across the country are also beginning to offer two-year programs.

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  • Skills, not As, are what count at Tulalip, Everett alternative schools

    Since instituting a skills-based education model, which allows students to direct their own learning and spend part of the school week learning trades or completing internships, Heritage High School has seen attendance improve and enrollment rise from 67 students to 110.

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  • For Gary Kids Struggling with Truancy, This Program Offers a Lifeline

    To help address chronic absenteeism, Project Rebuild works with families to determine the root cause of school absences and connect them to needed resources and services. In the 2022-23 school year, 81 percent of families referred to the nonprofit completed the program, with a total of 61 families participating. Only one percent of families who participate have to be referred again for continued truancy concerns.

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  • Solving chronic absenteeism is 'a people business'

    After chronic absenteeism rates spiked during the pandemic, staff and administrators in Ashland CIty Schools emphasized building strong relationships with students and their families, making it easier to intervene in cases of significant absences. School leaders say it’s part of a strategy that has helped chronic absenteeism rates drop by roughly 14 percent year over year.

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  • 19 Years On, Nigeria's School Feeding Program Still Falls Short

    The National Home Grown School Feeding program provides food to schoolchildren to support their health and education while simultaneously supporting local cooks and farmers. During its operation, the program reached millions of students across 3o states and led to a 20% increase in primary school enrollment.

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  • Attendance tracking program helps combat chronic absenteeism

    A specialized software called AttendanceK12 helps school secretaries, attendance counselors, and administrators more easily track student absences so they can intervene with families sooner, even offering options to automatically send parents an email when students reach a certain threshold of missed school hours. School leaders consider the technology an important element of a strategy that has helped reduce chronic absenteeism rates.

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  • English learners stopped coming to class during the pandemic. One group is tackling the problem by helping their parents

    ourBRIDGE for Kids is a school-based program that helps English language learners improve their language skills. Since the pandemic increased rates of chronic absenteeism among English language learners, ourBridge shifted its focus to also provide family services to provide comprehensive support, like secure housing and grocery delivery, that helps keep youth in school.

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  • An unexpected way to fight chronic absenteeism

    A Bessemer Elementary School, a telemedicine program launched in 2021 is combatting high rates of absenteeism by providing health care in school. Students can log into a computer at school and receive care, then head back to class rather than having to miss school for doctor visits or sick days. Since the program launched, absenteeism at the school fell from 49% during the 2021-2022 school year to 37% last year.

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  • Jeans-to-bag: Promoting education, environmental sustainability in rural communities

    The SecureCycle initiative collects jeans that would otherwise be discarded and turns them into backpacks for low-income students in rural communities in Nigeria. Having access to a sturdy bag to carry their school supplies encourages students to attend school and keeps them from losing their books so they stay engaged in class.

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