Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Planning Parenthood for Incarcerated Men

    Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties hosts workshops for incarcerated youth to teach them about sexual wellness, as well as the elements of healthy relationships, consent and the consequences of toxic masculinity. The workshops educate young men so they can have the knowledge they — and their partners — need to have better health outcomes. The workshops began in 2013 and expect to reach about 300 incarcerated teens and young men by the end of June as they continue expanding.

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  • How Digital Technology is Improving Access to Health Services for Kenyan Youths

    Tiko Africa provides young people with free access to sexual and reproductive health education and services on a digital platform, including HIV testing and treatment, access to contraceptives and mental health support and counseling. Tiko operates in 15 counties and has benefited more than 290,000 young people since its launch.

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  • Keene-based syringe exchange becoming a resource for gender-affirming care

    The G.R.O.W. syringe service program (SSPs) helps people who use drugs and those who need injection supplies for gender-affirming hormone therapy get access to clean syringes and safely dispose of needles. Community-based programs like G.R.O.W. also offer first-aid kits, at-home HIV tests, Narcan and personal care items. There are currently 13 SSPs registered in the state. In 2023, G.R.O.W. alone distributed more than 44,400 syringes and collected about 37,700.

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  • Transforming Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Tombey Approach

    The Hacey Health Initiative’s Tombey project works to connect young people — especially young girls — with reliable, accurate information about sexual and reproductive rights and health (SRHR), as well as relevant sexual and reproductive health services. The Tombey Project offers an online SRHR course, a “sexiontary” full of SRHR terms and definitions and connections to youth-friendly counseling services. Since 2016, over 3,000 youth have taken the Tombey Project’s online course and it’s estimated that over 100,000 young people across the country have been impacted by the Tombey Project in some way.

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  • How Lagos youth friendly initiative is improving lives of young Nigerians

    The Hello Lagos! youth center provides a safe space for youth, particularly those experiencing teenage pregnancies, issues around sexual reproductive health, substance abuse and anything else that gets in the way of youth having a healthy lifestyle. One of the Center’s program, the young moms clinic, has led to a 20% decrease in teen pregnancy and 15% of those in the program have returned to school.

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  • Two countries, two different approaches to population programs

    The Population and Community Development Association was established in 1974 to promote family planning and has since partnered with the local government and other groups to provide family planning services, and resources, like condoms and birth control, as well as education. Widespread promotion and availability of contraceptives thanks to the group has led the uptake among women of reproductive age to go from about 17% in 1970 to 75% in 2022 — as well as a reduction in fertility rates, all of which helps to control the overall population.

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  • Partner Notification services vital in HIV Control

    The Assisted Partner Notification Service is a World Health Organization-backed strategy that aims to reach out to sexual partners of people diagnosed with HIV to encourage them to get tested in an effort to contain the HIV pandemic. From May 2018 to September 2019, the notification service tested a total of 29,249 women, detecting 1,120 positive cases which then led the service to reach out to a number of male partners to continue to facilitate testing.

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  • Safe Spaces: Youth friendly centre provides judgement-free forum for sexual and reproductive health convos in Yola

    Today for Tomorrow Foundation is a youth-led and youth-serving non-profit that provides safe spaces for talking about sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and other socially taboo topics. Over 40 people have participated in the discussions and other programming. Discussions range from dispelling common myths - like the myth that using contraceptives before marriage prevents a woman from getting pregnant in the future - to teaching safe sex practices and developing a sense of empowerment so that the youth can advocate for their own wellbeing and not be constrained by the judgment of others.

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  • SafeBoda: From ferrying passengers to delivering ARVs and Condoms

    In parts of Uganda, ride-sharing has been transformed into a medical delivery service to ensure that those who are unable to travel to their doctor for antiretroviral refills have access to the medications they need to stay healthy. Although the program is limited in terms of the areas it can serve due to cost, doctors in the region hope to continue and expand the program after seeing such success since implementation.

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  • Lessons in the Fight Against AIDS

    There are six countries that have reached "90–90–90" targets meaning, "90 percent of people with HIV in a country know their status, 90 percent of those diagnosed are on treatment, and 90 percent on treatment are virally suppressed." The solutions that have worked for these countries, like cross-sector partnerships and evidence-based prevention campaigns, are now models for regions still fighting to reduce rates.

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