Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Drones Are Whizzing Lifesaving Supplies Across the 'Last Mile'

    The Zipline drone system helps deliver life-saving medical supplies, such as blood and antivenom, to areas in the country that are hard to reach due to issues with the terrain, infrastructure or extreme weather. Since launching, Zipline has made more than one million deliveries.

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  • My robot and I: Japanese stories of technology and old age

    Seniors in nursing homes and hospitals in Japan are often accompanied by a variety of robots designed to help prevent loneliness, cognitive decline, and the loss of mobility. A social robot might encourage them to dance while robot dogs and seals take the place of a pet without the responsibilities.

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  • The High-Tech Tools That Can Bust Careless Oil and Gas Drillers

    To help reduce methane emissions, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative invested in high-tech satellites that can detect equipment leaks that might otherwise be missed. The leaks identified and addressed thanks to the satellites accounted for the equivalent of one million tons of carbon dioxide.

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  • Indian women take to the skies as drone pilots

    About 10,000 women from rural areas in India are training to be agricultural drone pilots as a part of the government-run Drone Didi program. The job provides them with financial independence and greater respect from their communities.

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  • Bees vs. drones: How tech is tackling crop pollination

    As bee populations decline, farmers who practice covered agriculture are flying drones over their crops — which vibrates the plants' flowers to disperse the pollen — to pollinate them instead.

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  • Managing predators from the sky

    Researchers and livestock farmers in Montana are using drones with speakers that play human voices to scare off predators and mitigate conflict between the animals.

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  • The Smart Heart: How AI Is Sharpening Cardiovascular Medicine

    Several hospitals are beginning to use artificial intelligence, like Chat GPT’s medical assistant Suzanne, to make cardiovascular medicine more accurate and effective. AI can detect illnesses that are hard to see with the human eye, interpret test results and make diagnoses quicker and help doctors provide more effective treatment to patients. Since AI emerged in healthcare in 2018, the FDA has approved about 700 AI and machine learning-enabled medical devices.

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  • The race to build climate-resilient coral reefs

    Researchers and conservationists around the world are finding ways to help coral reefs grow quicker and survive the warming ocean temperatures caused by climate change. The Australian company Coral Maker is using artificial intelligence and robots to mass produce concrete skeletons for coral to grow on, and the Coral Restoration Foundation is growing coral on floating "trees."

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  • AI is helping school districts navigate bus driver shortages

    HopSkipDrive is a transportation company with an artificial intelligence tool that helps schools across the United States optimize their bus routes around driver shortages. The company uses a combination of traditional bus rides and passenger cars operated by its drivers to improve on-time arrival rates and reduce absenteeism.

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  • Google DeepMind's weather AI can forecast extreme weather faster and more accurately

    An artificial intelligence model called GraphCast uses historical weather data to find patterns and make predictions about extreme weather events like hurricanes faster and more accurately than the current best methods.

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