Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Enrollment in tribal language courses grows in Oklahoma as tribes aim to increase fluency

    In an effort to increase language fluency and preserve the Indigenous culture, public schools in Oklahoma are offering Indigenous language programs to teach a variety of languages, like Cherokee and Choctaw, to interested students. In the 2022-2023 school year, 3,314 students from elementary through high school participated in an Indigenous language program.

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  • Oakland debate group gives low-income students opportunities usually exclusive to private schools

    The Bay Area Urban Debate League serves students in low-income communities by providing debate opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access or afford. Teaching debate and participating in tournaments teach students valuable life skills like argumentation, critical thinking, research and logic. In 2023, the Bay Area Urban Debate League served 300 middle and high school students.

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  • How one district has diversified its advanced math classes — without the controversy

    The Union Public School District is making efforts to encourage and support more students from underrepresented backgrounds to take advanced math courses. Instead of sticking with the traditional one-time placement test that determines a student’s math trajectory from sixth grade onward, Union schools offer in-school tutoring and longer class periods to support students who show promise in advanced math.

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  • 95% of public schools conduct active shooter drills. Are students safer?

    Despite being a largely divided issue, studies show that students at schools that participate in lockdown drills and training report being less fearful of school shootings over time. Currently, 95% of kindergarten through 12th-grade schools across the country participate in some form of mandatory lockdown drill or training that is designed to teach students and staff what to do if there’s an active shooter in the building.

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  • Mansfield City wins districtwide honor for PBIS implementation

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to student behavior that focuses on how well students embody five standards — respect, responsibility, readiness, safety and pride — and awards points based on their behaviors that can be redeemed for rewards. PBIS offers an alternative to the “zero tolerance” student behavior policies that have been known to hurt academic achievement, particularly among students of color. Studies show that schools with a PBIS approach saw classroom removals decrease by 58% and out-of-school suspensions decreased by about half.

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  • Baltimore nonprofit aims to curb youth crime with citywide after-school programs

    Elementary, middle, secondary, and alternative schools are partnering with the nonprofit Elev8 Baltimore to provide enrichment programs for students after school. The nonprofit’s aim is to keep students away from danger and crime by keeping them in school buildings, so the programs are tailored to student interests at each school.

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  • Latino, Black enrollment in advanced math shot up after this simple change

    To improve the percentage of Black and Latino students in advanced math courses, some school districts, such as Hays Consolidated Independent School District, have begun using standardized test scores and performance assessments alongside teacher recommendations to automatically enroll middle schoolers in higher-level classes. The district has seen the share of rising sixth graders enrolled in advanced math rise from 26 percent to 42 percent over three years.

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  • California Leads the Way in Low-Carbon School Meals

    Schools in California are offering more plant-based options to make lunch more climate-friendly, healthier, and more inclusive for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

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  • This Juárez Nonprofit Uses Sports To Deter Youth From Violence

    Wellness schools, Escuelas de Bienestar, run by a nonprofit in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, train physical education teachers to integrate topics like human rights, drug prevention, and emotional health into the play in their school programming. The learning combined with play aims to deter youth from participating in violence and help them build personal connections.

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  • What It Takes To Shelter Washington State's Housing Insecure Youth

    School districts in Washington State are required to identify students experiencing homelessness and enroll them into a state program in which the district pays for the students' transportation and covers the cost of other necessities with allotted federal funds.

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