Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Babies don't come with instructions. But in Oregon, they now come with a nurse

    Family Connects offers free home visits from trained nurses for families with newborns in an effort to increase access to care and reduce infant and new mother mortality rates. The nurses conduct a medical exam and then provide support, guidance and answer any questions the new parents may have. Family Connects found that mothers who participated in the program were 30% less likely to experience postpartum depression or anxiety.

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  • A Lifeline for Struggling New Mothers in Philly

    The Nurse-Family Partnership program connects low-income, first-time mothers with nurses who provide pre-and post-natal support. The nurses visit mothers at home until the child turns two, teaching skills to promote the baby’s development and manage the stress of parenthood. Research shows participating in the program leads to a reduction in child abuse, improved school readiness for children and increased rates of employment for mothers.

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  • North Carolina shelter for at-risk single moms charts pro-life path in a post-Roe world

    The Room at the Inn is one of only six licensed maternity homes in the entire state and is the only one that also serves as a homeless shelter for single mothers. Room at the Inn provides a variety of services to support new mothers, including child care, vocational training and employment assistance. Following the overturn of Dobbs, the Room at the Inn has seen an increase in demand to the point that it’s expanding to support more mothers and provide more services.

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  • Saving Mothers and Giving Life through Quality Accreditation of Private Health Facilities

    The Saving Mothers, Giving Life project aims to improve access to and the quality of maternal and infant healthcare to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. The project established a Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response team and launched an interactive digital chat solution on WhatsApp to get important health information to pregnant women. Through these efforts, maternal and perinatal deaths in 25 private health facilities decreased by 60% and 16%, respectively.

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  • The fight to keep Black moms and babies alive

    Black parents are at greater risk of experiencing serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which is why preserving Black birth care, like doulas, is so important to preventing unnecessary deaths and medical interventions. The doula community is growing and there’s currently a push among local doulas and providers to grow the network of doulas of color to increase the accessibility of relevant and representative birth care.

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  • Portable AI Ultrasound Reducing Maternal Mortality in Sierra Leone

    AI software BabyChecker is a portable ultrasound tool that can be accessed through smartphones and allows community health workers to easily and quickly detect pregnancy risks in rural areas where access to care is difficult. So far, over 20 community health workers have been trained to use the technology, and more than 2,000 pregnant women have been scanned using the BabyChecker app.

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  • Chatham Maternity Care Center bucks trend of rural maternity closures

    As rural hospitals stopped providing maternity care, Chatham Hospital opened a new Maternity Care Center in September 2020. The five-bed unit provides care to low-risk mothers and newborns and is staffed with family physicians trained in obstetrics and surgery, to keep costs down. In three years, the Maternity Care Center has delivered 402 babies, with birth volumes gradually increasing each year.

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  • Indigenous women reclaim traditional birthing practices

    In rural areas where obstetric care is hard to access, Indigenous women are opting for traditional birthing practices and building a community around pregnancy and childbirth education. Groups like the He Sapa Birth Circle and the Great Plains Tribal Leaders’ Health Board provide spaces for Indigenous parents to seek advice, receive support and education and get connected with traditional care options.

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  • Un Béninois fabrique une table pour réchauffer les bébés à la naissance

    Pour aider les cliniques du Bénin à éviter le coût de l'importation d'equipement médical, un technicien a conçu sa propre version d'une table chauffante, qui aide à réguler la température des bébés prématurés. Les tables chauffantes sont désormais utilisées dans une vingtaine de cliniques et autres centres de santé.

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  • Activists Win a Battle for Women's Reproductive Healthcare in a Rural Colorado Town

    Local activists are joining together to protest the potential closure of Southwest Memorial Hospital’s birthing center, advocating and organizing to ensure the hospital stays open and locals can access the care they need in rural areas.

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