Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Brooklyn Nonprofits Tailor Mental Health Care To Their Immigrant Clients' Cultures

    Nonprofits Mixteca, RaisingHealth, and Brave House are providing safe spaces for migrants to receive culturally relevant mental health care through workshops that incorporate cultural traditions and common mental health and self-care practices. The workshops help provide a sense of community and combat the stigma surrounding mental health in the immigrant community.

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  • Also Migrating From Latin America: A Wave of Urban Innovation

    The UCSD-Alacrán Community Station is a sanctuary neighborhood for migrants fleeing violence in their countries of origin that allows them to participate in building a community and new life for themselves. The neighborhood houses about 1,800 people on three acres and features a health clinic, food hub and school.

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  • The invisible safety net for immigrants

    Latino churches like Iglesia Misionera Cristo Vive are acting as social service hubs for parishioners and members of the community, providing food, shelter, English language classes, trauma recovery and immigration advocacy.

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  • Capital Region localities continue efforts to resettle migrants

    The Refugee and Immigration Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE) helps migrants who have attained legal work status find jobs after the state eased requirements for asylum seekers looking for work, particularly in the state government. RISSE offers English language classes, immigration assistance and a case management program. In the past year alone, the total number of RISSE participants doubled.

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  • Migrants Navigate State's Apartment Program On Their Own As Evictions Loom And Help Runs Dry

    Chicago’s federally-funded Asylum Seeker Emergency Rental Assistance Program is helping migrants move out of shelters by covering six months of rent.

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  • 'Happier families, happier students': How Denver's community hubs are helping migrants

    Denver Public Schools’ Community Hubs provide wide-ranging support for students and their families, from language classes and GED programs for parents learning English to food pantries, financial education courses, and mobile medical appointments. The hubs have served more than 4,000 families since launching in 2022, with roughly 600 migrant families being served this year.

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  • America has a good model for how to handle immigration: America

    The United States’ refugee resettlement program provides language classes, job training, housing help, and support in applying for federal benefits, among other services, to refugees placed by the agency. However, the same type of assistance is not provided for all types of migrants, such as asylum seekers.

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  • More states offer health care coverage for certain immigrants, noncitizens

    The OmniSalud program provides zero-premium health care coverage to low-income immigrants without documentation, helping make health care more accessible for those who normally struggle to get it due to their legal status. This year, the program expanded to 11,000 slots and hopes to continue growing.

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  • Campesinos nicaragüenses impulsan modelo de producción autosustentable en Costa Rica

    En una zona rural de Costa Rica, un grupo de campesinos nicaragüenses forzados a salir de su país logró levantar una comunidad productiva. Rentaron varias manzanas de tierra para trabajar en la agricultura y la ganadería, como lo hacían en su natal Nicaragua. Informa Donaldo Hernández.

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  • This German village is embracing integration

    The Heberthausen Asylum Support Group helps incoming migrants and refugees find housing, jobs and learn the German language to integrate with society and work towards citizenship.

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