Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can New York City Treat Its Food Scraps As More Than Trash?

    New York City’s Compost Project supports a network of community compost operations to reduce the waste sent to landfills. Each composter operates differently based on local conditions and needs. BK Rot, for example, employs local Black and Brown youth to collect organic scraps from homes and businesses and sells its compost.

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  • UGA Campus Compost Program Gives Waste a New Purpose

    Interns of the Campus Compost Program ride electric bikes around the University of Georgia collecting bags of food scraps and other compostable materials. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the waste is turned into fertilizer for the local community at the Athens-Clarke County Landfill.

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  • Swap Shop at UGA: Turning Trash to Treasure

    Students at the University of Georgia created a place to trade second-hand clothing and other household items on campus, called Swap Shop, to reduce students’ waste and address overconsumption.

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  • Restaurants Create a Mound of Plastic Waste. Some Are Working to Fix That.

    Recirclable provides reusable takeout boxes that customers can return to a participating restaurant within two weeks to avoid being charged a fee, which allows restaurants to cut down on disposable containers that harm the environment. So far Recirclable is working with 14 restaurants and has had thousands of customers select the reusable option, but the effort is difficult to scale up because reuse requires more effort on the part of the consumer and there’s not yet sufficient infrastructure to streamline the process.

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  • Recycling isn't easy. The Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana is doing it anyway.

    The United States Envrionmental Protection Agency is distributing grant money to help tribes like the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in Oklahoma start and grow recycling programs, as funding is often a massive hurdle. The tribe was able to purchase equipment like a semi-truck and compactor with the funds.

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  • Upcycling Waste Spurs Art, Farming Among Lagos Students

    The Foundation for a Better Environment partners with public and private schools across Nigeria to make waste reduction a part of the curriculum. It's focused on teaching youth to reuse, recycle, and compost through practices like making art and building gardens.

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  • The 'Save the Oceans' Tax Break: Recycling Oyster Shells

    Sometimes bolstered by state tax credits, oyster recycling projects across the United States are encouraging restaurants to save their oyster shells, which are used to restore reefs instead of ending up as waste.

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  • Trash For School & Health: Ugandan Innovator Uses Technology to Incentivize Plastic Waste Collection

    Recycle Pay encourages residents of Uganda to collect plastic waste by awarding them points that can be redeemed for cash, healthcare credits, or school fees. The whole process is organized on an app.

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  • Could a Landfill Power Your Home?

    Landfills in the United States are capturing a potent greenhouse gas, methane, that would otherwise be released into the air and converting it to electricity or natural gas.

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  • Keeping Food Scraps Out of Landfills Is a Bigger Problem Than You Think

    Orange County, California, is increasing the amount of organic waste it diverts from landfills by encouraging residents to put compostable material in the bins they use for yard waste and composting it.

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