Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The 'Beautiful Gate' Where Polio Survivors in Nigeria Find Hope

    The Beautiful Gates Handicapped People Center builds mobility aids like wheelchairs and crutches and distributes them to people with disabilities, particularly those paralyzed by polio. Since forming in 1998, Beautiful Gate has distributed 32,000 wheelchairs and mobility tools.

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  • Colorado is paying parents to take care of children with disabilities, a pandemic benefit that's sticking around

    During the pandemic, caregivers stopped entering people’s homes, so Medicaid restructured to pay parents to provide care for their children with disabilities rather than hired help. About 1,200 families across the state signed up for the program, making $15 an hour for up to 10 hours a week teaching those with disabilities “homemaker” tasks like cooking and cleaning.

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  • A Closely Knitted Community Creating Safe Space for Deaf Persons in Lagos

    One Nigerian religious center offers a safe space where the hearing impaired can use sign language to communicate and build community. The Christian Mission for the Deaf Church’s members feel empowered through dance, music, and worship, while children of deaf adults build skills and friendship.

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  • When cerebral palsy is not a death sentence

    The Straight Child Foundation works to increase the quality of care provided to children with cerebral palsy and their families. The Foundation has provided physiotherapy and speech therapy to about 35 children with CP and has provided 20 wheelchairs specifically designed for those with CP. The Foundation also hosts yearly camps where CP patients can connect and interact with healthcare workers and other people with CP.

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  • Connecting With Individuals Who Have Disabilities

    Haske Children Foundation provides medical supplies, check-ups and surgeries to children with disabilities on a regular basis, having served 200 children so far. The Foundation also leads discussions about disabilities, working to address the stigma and change the negative narrative many locals have about those with disabilities.

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  • Through joyful play of Sibshops, youngsters find new ways to relate to siblings with disabilities

    Sibshops connect children with disabilities with their siblings through the power of play to prevent the child without disabilities from fading into the background as parents juggle the needs of the other child. Sibshops allows participants to share their experiences, ask questions and offer advice. Studies show Sibshops participants have increased empathy for people with disabilities and better relationships with their siblings. The first Sibshop opened in 1982, and today, there are more than 550 Sibshops across 15 countries.

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  • Families take drastic steps to help children in mental health crises

    To eliminate the practice of custody relinquishment to mental health services, some states are building more comprehensive systems of care for children that focus on crisis prevention and de-escalation. More accessible and affordable wraparound services have reduced the need for and use of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations, emergency rooms, juvenile detention, residential treatments, and police involvement.

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  • Nigerian Kids With Cerebral Palsy Are Overcoming Discrimination At School, Here Is How

    The Let Cerebral Palsy Kids Learn foundation trains Nigerian teachers in how to better serve students with the condition, while also educating parents about cerebral palsy and providing support and assistance to place their children in mainstream schools. The organization has placed more than 100 students in partner schools since 2017 and has trained more than 500 parents and teachers.

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  • Crucial but underpaid, Michigan home care staff face inflation now, too

    Direct care workers, including certified nurse assistants and home health aides, provide personal care to help aging or disabled individuals remain independently at home. There are approximately 165,000 of these workers across the state that serve more than 100,000 families with daily activities like bathing and meal preparation.

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  • College. Work. Starting a business. KC grads with disabilities have options

    The Transition Academy connects people with mental and physical disabilities with helpful resources to increase their access to jobs and higher education. The group also connects families with resources, experiences, and knowledge to create a smooth transition out of high school for students with disabilities and provides a Facebook community for families to connect and share insights.

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