Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Despite obstacles, community organizations hold registration drives for Latino voters in Wimauma

    To reach Spanish-speaking voters, organizers with Faith in Florida set up registration drives at community gathering places, such as the Beth-El Farmworker Ministry where many residents come to access the food pantry. Though the state recently passed legislation potentially penalizing third-party groups that submit registration applications on behalf of voters, Faith in Florida has been able to continue its registration drives by instead providing QR codes that take voters to the website where they can register themselves.

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  • Propel And Team Up Again To Register SNAP Users To Vote

    Beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get information about registering to vote directly in the same free app that they use to check their SNAP balance and learn more about their benefits. Since the initiative launched ahead of the 2024 election, roughly 15,000 SNAP recipients have registered through the app and about 52,000 people have used it to verify their registration status.

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  • Envelope redesign helped Pa. voters avoid errors that cost them their vote

    After procedural errors such as missing dates and signatures caused a significant number of ballots to be rejected, Pennsylvania redesigned its mail ballots to emphasize the areas voters must fill out correctly for their ballot to be counted. Following the redesign, 9.6 percent fewer ballots were rejected for errors the new design tried to address, but other types of mistakes, such as voters not adding the year to the date, increased.

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  • The Answer to Election Deniers Is in an Idaho County Website

    To assuage concerns around election security, Ada County, Ohio created an online tool called Ballot Verifier that allows users to search every ballot cast in the county since 2022. County officials invited local election skeptics to be the first to test the new tool and received positive feedback on its level of transparency.

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  • Election Disinformation Campaigns are Targeting Latinos. Fact Checkers are Fighting Back.

    Spanish-language fact-checking organizations such as Factchequeado debunk disinformation targeting Latino voters, often monitoring online discussion in Spanish-speaking countries to anticipate viral content before it reaches U.S. audiences. Factchequeado also partners with community media organizations who can share the fact-checked information with their local readers and viewers.

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  • Inside Google's Plans to Combat Election Misinformation

    To combat election-related mis- and disinformation, a Google initiative called Jigsaw launched campaigns in Indonesia and Eastern Europe with videos “inoculating” viewers against false information by explaining common manipulation techniques that could be used to mislead them. Surveys showed that people who viewed the videos were up to 5 percent more likely to correctly identify attempts at manipulation.

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  • Over 3,000 Navajo Homes Receive Accurate Addresses

    To improve voting access for residents of the Navajo Nation, who often don’t have official addresses, the Rural Utah Project partnered with Google to assign and distribute Plus Codes, more accurate address coordinates that use longitude and latitude. The organization has since registered nearly 2,000 new voters using the Plus Codes, and the new addresses have resulted in other unexpected benefits, such as improved response time for emergency responders and better access to delivery services.

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  • Grupo liberal busca atraer a votantes latinos con $57 millones en ocho estados

    Ahora aprovechando su éxito en elecciones pasados, Somos Votantes y su comité de acción política trabajan para ampliar la educación y la participación de los votantes hispanos principalmente a través de visitas puerta a puerta, información bilingüe pagada, y una “sólida” organización comunitaria.

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  • Could ranked-choice voting take the poison out of politics?

    After Alaska and Maine implemented ranked-choice voting, which allows citizens to rank candidates in the order of their preference, voters reported feeling more engaged in the process and noticing less extreme rhetoric among politicians running for office. Despite efforts to repeal the system on the basis that it is confusing, about 70 percent of voters ranked more than one candidate on their ballot.

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  • Deep red Utah wants to keep voting by mail

    Utah has universal vote-by-mail, in which every eligible voter receives a ballot in the mail ahead of elections. Even as other Republican-led states have placed more restrictions on voting by mail, Utah legislators have rejected proposed changes, and roughly three-quarters of likely voters in 2024 say they think the process produces “fair outcomes.”

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