Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Help is On the Way: Filling the Gap for Black Teachers

    The Center for Black Educator Development aims to attract more Black students to teaching careers through courses at career and technical education centers, summer apprenticeship programs for high school and college students, and paid fellowships for participants who go on to pursue education in college. The organization has awarded 55 fellowships since its inception and employs roughly 100 students each summer in its apprenticeship programs.

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  • Meet the 'New' Scientists Engineering Uganda's Future

    Young Engineers is a STEM education program that helps children build technical skills and knowledge through hands-on activities with a focus on problem-solving. The organization is women-led, and the majority of its 800 participants are girls.

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  • Keene Lions Club screenings help kids envision healthy future

    The KidSight program offers free vision screenings to catch and correct eyesight problems early. The local Keene Lions Club offers these screenings throughout the year with the help of trained volunteers. Beyond screenings, the Lions Club can also fully cover the costs of any further care needed, such as glasses or more exams, for families living below 200% of the federal poverty level. The group screened 3,394 this past school year.

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  • This Birmingham group points children to careers in sports: 'Hope and purpose'

    The ZeroZero Foundation works to support youth with an interest in sports through athletic training, summer programming, counseling, field trips, scholarship opportunities, and connections to internships and job opportunities in the sports industry. The organization currently serves more than 100 children in the Birmingham area.

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  • How a 26-year-old Christian makes "scholars" of Islamic street kids

    The Almajiri Scholar Scheme launched in 2022 to help Almajiri children master skills such as the alphabet, numbers, reading comprehension and the English language, while still allowing time for their Quranic studies and prayer. The Scheme also provides vocational training, teaching skills like shoemaking and tailoring, and had 60 children enrolled within its first eight months.

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  • The initiative giving Almajiri children a shot at literacy

    Flare Initiative provides literacy education for students enrolled in Islamic schools, with lessons on the English alphabet, proper sentence construction, and effective communication skills offered in the evenings to avoid disrupting students’ Qur’anic studies. Participants say the program has given them newfound confidence to pursue future careers that require English language proficiency.

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  • Skills, not As, are what count at Tulalip, Everett alternative schools

    Since instituting a skills-based education model, which allows students to direct their own learning and spend part of the school week learning trades or completing internships, Heritage High School has seen attendance improve and enrollment rise from 67 students to 110.

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  • ‘Ruthless in our pursuit of equity:' Inside Denver's Black Student Success work

    To better serve Black students, Joe Shoemaker Elementary School uses “equity cohorts.” Teachers select four to seven students of color who are reading below grade level and then focus on building relationships with them, helping to nurture their social and academic skills. Over the past two years, they’ve seen improved test scores and reading levels among students who participated.

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  • El modelo de escuelas comunitarias en Aurora sirve de ejemplo mientras el interés crece en el estado

    Las escuelas comunitarias se enfocan en usar a socios comunitarios para abordar las necesidades integrales de las familias; trabajan con organizaciones para evaluar la vista de los estudiantes en la escuela, ayudar a los padres para que aprendan cómo continuar las lecciones en sus hogares, y reunar a las familias para que compartan sus diversas culturas. El año pasado en Colorado, atendieron a más de 4,700 personas en los eventos, y líderes dicen que los estudiantes cuyas familias participan están demostrando mejores resultados en comparación con aquellos cuyas familias no participan.

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  • ULead Athens Supports Immigrant Students to Help Them Succeed And Much More

    Through ULead Athens, Latino youth interested in pursuing higher education get access to mentorship, standardized test tutoring, college prep, and scholarship support. The organization also has a civic engagement initiative that focuses on voter registration and education within the Latino community. Since it was founded in 2014, ULead has helped roughly 98 percent of participants interested in attending college to get accepted.

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