Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Philly home repair and climate resilience program gets big funding boost

    The Built to Last program, run by the Philadelphia Energy Authority, began as a pilot in 2021, but in the face of increased demand, the city recently granted $5 million in its budget to “future-proof” homes with electric heat pump HVAC systems, rooftop solar, electric appliances and other repairs that create more energy-efficient homes for low-income families. Since 2021, the program has repaired over 100 homes and has about 200 currently in progress.

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  • Results are in for a Los Angeles cool pavement experiment

    A partnership between local nonprofit Climate Resolve and roofing and waterproofing manufacturer GAF covered 700,000 square feet of dark asphalt surfaces with a solar-reflective coating to help keep residents cool in the summer. Research found that during an extreme heat event, the area with the pavement coating saw ambient temperatures 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than an adjacent neighborhood.

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  • The 15-Minute City Is Saving My Life

    The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept that encourages planners to develop neighborhoods that are easily accessible within a 15-minute walk, bike or public transit ride. The 15-minute city idea promotes health and wellness by encouraging residents to walk and bike more, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and fosters a sense of community among locals.

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  • Giving buildings a new, green lease on life

    An architect in Chennai, India, is retrofitting private residences and public buildings to be more sustainable. They make changes like installing energy-efficient upgrades, solar panels, improved ventilation, and low-flow plumbing fixtures to reduce water and energy consumption.

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  • Houses that breathe: Vietnamese architects turning the tide to tackle climate change 

    Architects in Vietnam are creating climate-resilient buildings with nature-based designs and materials that adapt to the local weather to reduce the building’s emissions throughout its lifespan by naturally regulating the temperature.

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  • St. Paul, Minnesota sees city buildings as opportunity for quick wins on climate plan goals

    St. Paul, Minnesota, is retrofitting city-owned buildings, improving their efficiency, and swapping to renewable sources of heating and cooling to decarbonize their operations.

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  • In Pa., climate change stresses old infrastructure. Stormwater fees are seen as a way to help limit flooding, pollution

    Stormwater fees, which are based on property runoff, are funding infrastructure upgrades and green spaces to absorb rainwater, reduce damage from flooding and improve water quality. Several municipalities have seen reduced flood damage and increased water quality after implementing stormwater fees, and have even hosted community events to educate residents on how the fees are used to make improvements.

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  • The buildings constructed from cannabis

    Hempcrete, a combination of hemp, water, and lime, can be used as a more sustainable insulation option for buildings. The material improves energy efficiency, produces less carbon than options like fiberglass and foam, and will continue to capture carbon while used as insulation.

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  • Amsterdam's 'Smart' Blue-Green Roofs Reduce Urban Flooding

    The city of Amsterdam funded a blue-green roofs program to reduce both flooding and the urban heat island effect. The water collection system stores and releases rainwater, the variety of indigenous plants increase biodiversity, and the connected digital network allows them all to be controlled remotely.

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  • The Benefits of Greening Affordable Housing

    The Denver-based Triple Bottom Line Foundation funds projects to retrofit low-income, multi-family properties that house underserved groups. The projects include energy-efficiency upgrades, solar power installations, and weatherization upgrades among others.

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