Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Using less of the Colorado River takes a willing farmer and $45 million in federal funds

    A federally-funded water conservation program, the System Conservation Pilot Program, is paying farmers in the Upper Colorado River Basin to not use the river’s water during the irrigation season. Leaving their fields dry for the program can earn them more money than they would get from growing crops.

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  • This Utah County Will Buy Your Lawn to Save Water

    A turf buyback program run by the Washington County Water Conservancy District in Utah pays residents to swap their lawns for native plants. It's reducing the amount of water used for landscaping amid a drought.

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  • Moroccan Farmers Are Banking Traditional Seeds for a Hotter, Drier Future

    A seed bank was established in Sidi Ifni, a farming community in Morocco, to revive drought-ridden land by enabling the cultivation of traditional, drought-resistant crops. An accompanying training program is helping farmers market these crops to improve their livelihoods.

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  • Mexico's Floating Gardens Are an Ancient Wonder of Sustainable Farming

    Farmers in Mexico are keeping a 1,000-year-old tradition alive to produce reliable yields of healthy crops despite facing historic droughts. They're using chinampas, which are man-made “floating gardens” created by placing soil from the lake on top of reeds and grasses.

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  • At Sahara's edge, old habits protect crops from new climate

    Farmers in Ndiob, Senegal, have returned to an ancient technique called zaï to combat drought, use less fertilizer, and increase their yields. Zaï involves drilling holes in the soil so rainwater can fill them and soak into the land instead of running off.

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  • The Cheap, Clever Promise of 'Water ATMs'

    The nonprofit Safe Water Network is training entrepreneurs in India to treat and filter water so they can run water ATMs. These businesses supply safe drinking water to communities that lack access to it for about half the price of any other option.

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  • Solar Pumps Are Empowering Women Farmers in India

    In the Indian state of Bihar, women-led self-help groups are challenging traditional gender norms and saving money to buy and install solar irrigation pumps. The pumps increase the local agricultural capacity by providing a cleaner, more affordable alternative to the diesel pumps typically used to combat water scarcity in the region.

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  • How can California solve its water woes? By flooding its best farmland.

    A conservation nonprofit’s restoration project in California’s Central Valley turned a farm field back into the flood plains that once existed there. Not only did it restore natural habitat, but the parcel is helping to combat flooding and drought by absorbing excess water that will eventually recharge the groundwater.

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  • The outliers in urban residential landscaping

    Homeowners in Colorado are replacing their turf with rock and native plants and grasses, to save water and save money on water wills.

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  • A Community-Driven Path to Replenishing Groundwater in a Parched Region

    The community in Jakhni, India, reimplemented old farming practices, like building embankments to trap rainwater and planting trees to prevent erosion, to combat severe drought.

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