Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The little-known but successful model for protecting human and labor rights

    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) formed the first worker-driven social responsibility program in 1993, and since then they’ve advocated across industries for corporate social responsibility and preventing worker exploitation. The CIW also created the Fair Food Program which has helped add more than $45 million to farm workers’ paychecks.

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  • First-in-the-Nation Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Comes to Massachusetts

    A utility company in Framingham, Massachusetts, worked with climate advocates to build a unique geothermal heating and cooling project that spans a whole neighborhood. A group of residential and commercial buildings share the infrastructure necessary to harness stable underground temperatures for heating and cooling, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills.

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  • Athens bookstore battles bans by stocking shelves

    Avid Bookshop in Athens, Georgia, stocks, sells, and advertises banned books to make them more accessible and spark conversations about the topic.

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  • Restaurants Create a Mound of Plastic Waste. Some Are Working to Fix That.

    Recirclable provides reusable takeout boxes that customers can return to a participating restaurant within two weeks to avoid being charged a fee, which allows restaurants to cut down on disposable containers that harm the environment. So far Recirclable is working with 14 restaurants and has had thousands of customers select the reusable option, but the effort is difficult to scale up because reuse requires more effort on the part of the consumer and there’s not yet sufficient infrastructure to streamline the process.

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  • To Improve Fish Welfare, a Startup Blends AI With an Ancient Japanese Fishing Method

    The California-based tech startup Shinkei is combining artificial intelligence with an ancient Japanese method called Ike Jime to kill fish quickly with less pain. Alongside improved fish welfare, the method cuts down waste by keeping the fish fresher for longer.

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  • What will it take to get companies to embrace reusable packaging?

    The nonprofit PR3 is working to standardize reusable packaging systems for businesses like coffee shops and grocery stores to make them easier to scale and adopt as a replacement to single-use materials.

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  • Inside the Icelandic plant turning CO2 into rocks

    A direct carbon capture plant in Iceland sucks carbon dioxide out of the air, mixes it with water, and pumps it underground to help combat climate change. When the mixture reaches the basalt bedrock, it causes a chemical reaction that turns the carbon into a solid so it can be stored underground in the porous rock.

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  • A social enterprise makes money, but it makes a lot more than that for the people involved

    There are more than 500 certified social enterprises in Australia, employing people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and others who need extra support to help them secure stable employment to create better futures for themselves and their families. In Australia alone, the number of certified social enterprises is growing at 16% per year.

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  • AC Has a Big Climate Impact. This New Tech Could be a Game Changer

    Thermal storage technologies are lowering businesses’ energy costs and carbon emissions while reducing strain on the grid during peak times. Two hotels in California implemented a system that makes ice when energy demand is low and uses the ice during peak demand times to cool the building.

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  • The best coffee for the planet might not be coffee at all

    “Beanless coffee” companies around the world are taking inspiration from coffee substitutes of the past to create a drink that mimics coffee’s flavor and caffeine content that is more climate-resilient with less of an environmental impact.

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