Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can New York City Treat Its Food Scraps As More Than Trash?

    New York City’s Compost Project supports a network of community compost operations to reduce the waste sent to landfills. Each composter operates differently based on local conditions and needs. BK Rot, for example, employs local Black and Brown youth to collect organic scraps from homes and businesses and sells its compost.

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  • Pennsylvania Legalized Speed Cameras. You Won't Believe What Happened Next.

    A pilot program tested speed cameras on one of Philadelphia’s most dangerous roads to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities and found speeding violations decreased by 90%. The program works by using the cameras to issue warnings to anyone driving 11 miles or more over the speed limit and then issuing fines after a 60-day grace period. Following the program’s success, it’s beginning to gain momentum in other cities, too.

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  • Crowdfunding amid blackout saves Kwara residents from losses

    When the transformer that supplied an entire community’s power collapsed, and the government and power companies weren’t acting to solve the problem, local residents joined forces to crowdfund for a new transformer, helping to ensure the lights stay on and community members can continue to work and carry out their daily activities.

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  • Chicago's Unique Bike Giveaway Program Is a Win for Mobility Justice

    The Bike Chicago program promotes active transportation and targets mobility hardship — common within working-class communities — by providing access to free bikes. The program launched in 2022 and has distributed over 2,000 bikes out of its 5,000 goal — with plans to continue distributing through 2026. After receiving a bike, about 12% of recipients report riding it almost daily, while 28% rides it three to five times a week.

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  • First-in-the-Nation Geothermal Heating and Cooling System Comes to Massachusetts

    A utility company in Framingham, Massachusetts, worked with climate advocates to build a unique geothermal heating and cooling project that spans a whole neighborhood. A group of residential and commercial buildings share the infrastructure necessary to harness stable underground temperatures for heating and cooling, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills.

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  • Redefining Masculinity: This Initiative Engages Men In The Fight Against SGBV

    Boys Champion educates young boys on healthy masculinity, combatting cultural norms that lead to sexual and gender-based violence through various outreach initiatives, mentorship opportunities, and events held at local schools. Since 2018, the group has reached more than 10,000 young boys, teaching them ways to promote gender equality in their communities.

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  • Parent Cafe program gives residents guidance, chance to connect

    Pioneered by Be Strong Families, Parent Cafes offer safe spaces for parents and caregivers to discuss the highs and lows of raising children. The cafes offer guidance and a sense of community, as parenting can feel lonely and isolating. Parent cafes have reached thousands of people since emerging in 2007, and 96% of participants say the cafes feel like safe places where they can learn.

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  • Guerrilla urbanists are 'doing it our damn selves'

    Guerrilla urbanism by groups like Chattanooga Urbanist Society develop low-cost, short-term interventions to community problems, like installing bike lanes and painting crosswalks, to fill gaps left by local government. Chattanooga Urbanist Society is focused on making the city more pedestrian-friendly and has installed more than 60 benches in the area. The group also accepts service requests from locals to handle issues the local government hasn’t touched.

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  • Want to See Community Solar Done Right? A Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula Can Serve as a Model

    A community solar project in a rural Michigan town is making energy more affordable for low-to-moderate-income households. Fifty community members and organizations subscribed to receive energy from and support the construction of a solar array. As a result, their electricity bills are about $300 cheaper each year, and the local utility reported fewer late payments.

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  • St. Louis Fills a Downtown Void With Soccer

    In an effort to restore a sense of urbanism and community to the city, CityPark repurposed an old manufacturing plant to develop a 32-acre soccer campus, attracting sports teams, fans and other patrons to the city for games, shopping, dining and other festivities. During CityPark’s first season, it brought in an extra $73 million in revenue for the city.

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