Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Native Nations Forced Federal Investment in Salmon Reintroduction

    The Upper Columbia United Tribes are working to reintroduce salmon along the Upper Columbia River after the Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams altered the environment, preventing the salmon from returning. Their research on the impact of the dam on the river, salmon, and their culture has pressured the U.S. government to uphold its obligations to them. So far, it’s committed $200 million for the reintroduction efforts as a result.

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  • How the Nez Perce are using an energy transition to save salmon

    The Nez Perce Tribe is installing solar panels on homes and community buildings across their reservation with the goal of producing enough energy to replace the hydroelectric dams on the Snake River responsible for the diminishing salmon and steelhead populations.

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  • With prayers and well wishes, students release thousands of salmon fry in Okanagan waters

    The Okanagan Nation Alliance leads a Fish in Schools program that donates fish spawn and the equipment to raise them to elementary and secondary schools near their territory. Thousands of fish raised by the students are released into local waterways during ceremonies at the end of the school year as a part of their efforts to bring salmon back to the area.

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  • Can Seaweed Save American Shellfish?

    Researchers, conservationists, and shellfish farmers on both U.S. coasts are starting and studying seaweed farms as a way to soak up excess nutrients in acidic water to help shellfish survive and grow.

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  • Light at the End of the Tunnel

    Communities in the United States are slowly replacing small culverts that alter the flow of streams and block the paths of migratory fish species with wider culverts and bridges, allowing the ecosystems to recover.

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  • 'Take It Down and They'll Return': The Stunning Revival of the Penobscot River

    The Penobscot Nation gathered a cohort of organizations to form the Penobscot River Restoration Trust so they could purchase and demolish damns that were threatening the river’s health. The river and native fish recovered quickly as a result.

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  • Italian Divers Revive Centuries-Old Tradition to Help Save European Perch

    Fishermen in Italy are reviving a 17th-century tradition to help the steadily declining population of European perch bounce back. They’re building bundles of tree branches and dropping them underwater to give the fish a safe, effective place to lay their eggs.

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  • To keep track of salmon migrations in real time, First Nations turn to AI

    In partnership with Indigenous-led fisheries, researchers in British Columbia deployed an artificial intelligence system to automate the counting of Pacific salmon during their migration. The AI-based tool, which analyzes underwater video, can identify some species of fish with 90 percent accuracy, and Indigenous stewards who participated in the pilot project said not having to count salmon manually freed them up for other important projects.

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  • The islands that went from whale hunting to whale watching

    The Azores archipelago transitioned from hunting whales to whale conservation and eco-tourism that support research by implementing whale watching guidelines and building up the new industry after whaling was banned.

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  • Clean Water? We've Got a Mussel For That

    Scientists in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are propagating common species of mussels to restore the once-thick mussel beds in local waterways. The mussels work as filters that purify the water and improve the health of the ecosystem.

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