Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • All hands on deck — The social enterprise deploying young people to protect our seas

    A social enterprise that started in the Netherlands and is spreading to countries around the Celtic Sea is training young people to work in marine industries while restoring ocean biodiversity. The young trainees work on projects like marine mammal observation and planting seagrass.

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  • The best plan to help refugees might also be the simplest

    The nonprofit GiveDirectly provides refugees with cash to help them sustain themselves, focusing on those living in cities, as they’re less likely to receive the same assistance as humanitarian camps do. Nearly 1,200 people were given $925 to spend however they wanted — some opening bank accounts, others starting businesses — and reported they were able to nearly double their monthly income and after six months, 88% of recipients were earning more money than ever before.

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  • Toyota Opens a 'Megasite' for EV Batteries in a Struggling N.C. Community, Fueled by Biden's IRA

    Toyota is building a battery plant in the small town of Liberty, North Carolina, and ushering in an economic revival. Along with the thousands of jobs it is expected to bring to the area, the company is working with community colleges and paying students to complete programs in which they learn the necessary skills to work at the plant.

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  • Indian women take to the skies as drone pilots

    About 10,000 women from rural areas in India are training to be agricultural drone pilots as a part of the government-run Drone Didi program. The job provides them with financial independence and greater respect from their communities.

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  • The WPA-inspired, living wage program for artists offering much needed stability and support

    The workforce resilience program Artists at Work is helping artists continue focusing on their practice by providing them with a stipend, benefits, and stability. Participants are required to log their working hours, which must include working with a local social impact organization for about a third of their week alongside their own projects.

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  • Trash For School & Health: Ugandan Innovator Uses Technology to Incentivize Plastic Waste Collection

    Recycle Pay encourages residents of Uganda to collect plastic waste by awarding them points that can be redeemed for cash, healthcare credits, or school fees. The whole process is organized on an app.

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  • Inside the exquisite Tibetan monasteries salvaged from climate change

    A team of Western art conservationists trained a community in Tibet how to restore historic monasteries that were crumbling due to the effects of climate change. Over decades of restoration work, the team sparked a cultural renaissance in the region and is providing economic opportunities for women.

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  • Sustainable plastic recycling: Cleaner life for us, better livelihood for waste collectors

    The Recycling for the Environment by Strengthening Income and Livelihoods of Entrepreneurs (RESILIENT) Project helps support the economy of waste collectors and aggregators by providing training, safety equipment and mentorship on how to handle finances and operate a waste business. Waste collectors and aggregators who have participated in the RESILIENT Project earn increased profits and are able to collect and recycle more plastics and other materials.

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  • A social enterprise makes money, but it makes a lot more than that for the people involved

    There are more than 500 certified social enterprises in Australia, employing people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and others who need extra support to help them secure stable employment to create better futures for themselves and their families. In Australia alone, the number of certified social enterprises is growing at 16% per year.

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  • How to help reduce elder poverty? Keep Chicago seniors employed

    The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides support to seniors seeking employment, especially those who speak limited English, have a disability, were incarcerated, or are homeless, as they may need extra help. SCSEP has offered over one million low-income seniors part-time work placement and training. Since forming, about half of the one million participants have gone on to find full-time, unsubsidized employment.

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