Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Faith-Based Initiative Helping Nigerians Beat Unemployment

    The Youths United for God Global Foundation trains youth in various skills and trades, such as cutting hair, farming and working with computers, to help them become better equipped to secure jobs and income. Training sessions run every three months, and so far over 1,000 youths have been directly impacted by the program, many of which have gone on to forge careers and gain a sense of financial security with their newly-learned skills.

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  • North Carolina shelter for at-risk single moms charts pro-life path in a post-Roe world

    The Room at the Inn is one of only six licensed maternity homes in the entire state and is the only one that also serves as a homeless shelter for single mothers. Room at the Inn provides a variety of services to support new mothers, including child care, vocational training and employment assistance. Following the overturn of Dobbs, the Room at the Inn has seen an increase in demand to the point that it’s expanding to support more mothers and provide more services.

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  • How to help reduce elder poverty? Keep Chicago seniors employed

    The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides support to seniors seeking employment, especially those who speak limited English, have a disability, were incarcerated, or are homeless, as they may need extra help. SCSEP has offered over one million low-income seniors part-time work placement and training. Since forming, about half of the one million participants have gone on to find full-time, unsubsidized employment.

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  • Capital Region localities continue efforts to resettle migrants

    The Refugee and Immigration Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE) helps migrants who have attained legal work status find jobs after the state eased requirements for asylum seekers looking for work, particularly in the state government. RISSE offers English language classes, immigration assistance and a case management program. In the past year alone, the total number of RISSE participants doubled.

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  • Breaking barriers, building businesses: Inside the Kano program empowering marginalized youth

    The GIRL-H program provides skill training and business assistance to youth from marginalized communities. Participants receive education and training in an area of their choosing and once they complete the training, they receive start-up capital to help them start their own businesses. The program has helped over 6,000 youth learn a new skill and start an entrepreneurial venture.

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  • Campesinos nicaragüenses impulsan modelo de producción autosustentable en Costa Rica

    En una zona rural de Costa Rica, un grupo de campesinos nicaragüenses forzados a salir de su país logró levantar una comunidad productiva. Rentaron varias manzanas de tierra para trabajar en la agricultura y la ganadería, como lo hacían en su natal Nicaragua. Informa Donaldo Hernández.

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  • This German village is embracing integration

    The Heberthausen Asylum Support Group helps incoming migrants and refugees find housing, jobs and learn the German language to integrate with society and work towards citizenship.

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  • Funding to help Spanish-speaking child care providers get licensed in Colorado set to end

    The Colorado Department of Early Childhood’s bilingual support team helps guide Spanish-speaking residents through the process of applying for a child care license, providing resources and training materials in applicants’ native language. The team is currently working with 69 professionals who are already licensed as well as 25 Spanish speakers in the midst of the application process.

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  • Giving Women Power: Elevating Self-Esteem to Advance Gender Equality

    The Youngstars Foundation shares booklets with young girls of stories about women who have succeeded in their careers to inspire them to find a new sense of confidence and establish their own ambitious career goals. Between 2017 and 2019, 5,000 booklets were distributed to 4,500 young girls across 36 states. The Foundation also has an online module for the program, which over 18,000 young women and girls have signed up for.

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  • Productive Discomfort: A Job Training Program for Single Moms That Centers Mental Health

    A job training program for single moms experiencing poverty, called Climb Wyoming, runs 14, 12-week training sessions per year. The program provides wraparound support for the moms alongside the skills training, including mental health support, life skills training, and help navigating the criminal justice system.

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