Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How people in Illinois prisons lead peer-led civics education courses on voting rights

    Since 2020, more than 250 people incarcerated in Illinois prisons have been trained as peer-educators to lead civics education courses that focus on the history of voting, the logistics of voting, and the nuances of government. So far roughly 6,000 people have completed the program, which emphasizes that they are eligible to register to vote immediately after their release.

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  • Indian women take to the skies as drone pilots

    About 10,000 women from rural areas in India are training to be agricultural drone pilots as a part of the government-run Drone Didi program. The job provides them with financial independence and greater respect from their communities.

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  • Denver busca contratar y mantener a más maestros internacionales al ayudarlos con vivienda, capacitación y más

    Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver lanzaron el Instituto de Educadores Internacionales para proporcionar no solo apoyo profesional sino también apoyo personal a maestros internacionales nuevos. El Instituto ayuda los nuevos maestros encontrar un lugar donde vivir, entender asuntos financieros y de crédito, proporcionar otros apoyo sociales o emocionales, obtener más certificados y entender cómo funciona el sistema escolar de Denver. Eso ha causado que los maestros internacionales con visas de trabajo en DPS sumen un total de 234.

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  • At Monroe prison, dog training reshapes lives of humans, canines alike

    A nonprofit that provides service animals to people with disabilities for free works with people who are incarcerated in Washington to train the dogs, giving them a positive way to spend their time and gain useful skills. Trainers help them teach the dogs new tasks every week.

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  • Colorado nonprofit recruits older adults to fill critical positions in early childhood education

    The Early Childhood Service Corps recruits retired adults to fill vacancies in preschools and daycares, allowing retirees to work part time while also helping to address staffing shortages in the industry. So far, the program has trained 110 older adults as part-time substitute teachers, and a few have gone on to take full-time positions.

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  • The Over-50s Turning to Teaching

    Now Teach helps retrain older professionals for second careers in teaching, tapping candidates who might otherwise retire early to help fill staffing shortages in the education sector. The program has helped roughly 850 people earn a postgraduate certificate in education, and its trainees are more ethnically diverse than the national pool of teachers overall.

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  • Could a Ride-Sharing Network Help Get Chicago Students to School?

    To help fill transportation gaps left by bus driver shortages, school districts are partnering with HopSkipDrive, a network that leverages vetted rideshare drivers to take students to and from classes and activities. The company is working with 600 school districts, nonprofits, and agencies across the country.

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  • Female Rangers ‘Don't Go All Alpha Like the Men' to Protect a Forest

    A team of rangers primarily made up of women is protecting 620 acres of forest around their village in Damaran Baru, Indonesia. The rangers' main priority is having conversations with squatters to prevent them from clearing the trees to use the soil, but they also provide important ecological information to researchers and act as environmental stewards.

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  • Crowdsourced fact-checking fights misinformation in Taiwan

    Taiwanese fact-checking website Cofacts operates similarly to Wikipedia, allowing anyone to become an editor, respond to questions, and evaluate responses. A study comparing the platform to professional fact-checking sites found that the crowdsourced version typically responded to questions more quickly, included more information about local and regional issues, and was just as accurate.

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  • An effort to increase teen engagement in Gonzales is succeeding, and spreading to neighboring cities

    The Gonzales Youth Council, which allows young people to advise local government on issues that affect them, has inspired other youth councils to sprout up in neighboring communities. Youth commissioners participate in a paid summer fellowship to learn about city and school district processes, and the council has made several recommendations that have gone on to become ordinances, including fines for adults who facilitate underage drinking.

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