Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Just coffee in an unjust world

    Café Justo offers an alternative model to traditional fair-trade operations, keeping the entire means of coffee production in the farmers’ hands. They connect the farmer directly to the consumer, eliminating the need for people in the middle who would often gather up the profits. In Salvador Urbina, the Café Justo cooperative has about 80 farming families and sends out more than 1,000 pounds of coffee a month.

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  • How women are breaking poverty circle using tricycle in Ilorin

    In an effort to break the cycle of poverty and combat gender stereotypes and stigma, several women are entering the commercial transportation industry by driving tricycles around the city to offer rides to locals. By working, these women are earning more money for their families, helping to ensure there’s food on the table and that they can afford to send their children to school.

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  • Coding The Future: Ugandan Women Take Refresher Classes To Lead Digital Revolution

    Code Queens is a 10-week hands-on coding course designed to get young women interested in STEM careers. To graduate, students must participate in a hackathon that asks them to solve a real-world business challenge through coding.

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  • Could ranked-choice voting take the poison out of politics?

    After Alaska and Maine implemented ranked-choice voting, which allows citizens to rank candidates in the order of their preference, voters reported feeling more engaged in the process and noticing less extreme rhetoric among politicians running for office. Despite efforts to repeal the system on the basis that it is confusing, about 70 percent of voters ranked more than one candidate on their ballot.

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  • How Does Paris Stay Paris? By Pouring Billions Into Public Housing

    Despite soaring housing costs, the city government in Paris aims to achieve mixité sociale. That essentially means it's preventing economic segregation to ensure residents from a broad cross-section of society reside in the city and own businesses there. It’s doing so by nabbing real estate to create public housing and providing real estate subsidiaries for small businesses.

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  • New cannabis dispensaries bring Sacramento closer to reaching social equity goals

    Sacramento’s Cannabis Opportunity and Racial Equity program is helping people who were adversely affected by discrimination during America’s war on drugs to start businesses in the regulated cannabis industry. Qualifying entrepreneurs receive wraparound support including funding and small-business education. So far, 10 dispensary licenses have been awarded to participants.

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  • How a new way to vote is gaining traction in states — and could transform US politics

    Some states are combining ranked choice voting, which asks voters to rank candidates by order of preference, with Final Five primaries where multiple candidates advance to the general election, rather than one candidate from each major party. After implementing both reforms, Alaska saw more women run for office than in the five previous elections, and an analysis of the system found it improved representation by giving voters more choice and encouraging candidates to appeal to a wider demographic.

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  • Ranked choice is 'the hot reform' in democracy. Here's what you should know about it

    Advocates of ranked choice voting, which allows residents to rank candidates from their favorite to least favorite, say the system encourages politicians to appeal to a wider range of viewpoints, as evidenced by a recent congressional race in Alaska in which Mary Peltola, a moderate Democrat, was elected over more extreme candidates. The system is currently used by two states for statewide races and in nearly four dozen cities for local elections.

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  • At Utah State, women climbers are ascending on their own terms

    Utah State University’s Women’s Climb Night is a designated two-and-a-half hours per week when the climbing walls are cleared for women to practice the male-dominated sport with other women. This way, they can spend time in an accessible, non-intimidating, and non-judgmental space.

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  • CUNY sees ‘enormous' October application spike, as efforts to boost enrollment continue

    In an attempt to combat pandemic-era drops in enrollment, the City University of New York network sent personalized letters to seniors graduating from public high schools in the city and waived application fees for these students for the month of October. The network saw its number of applicants jump 386 percent compared to the same month last year.

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