Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Convincing the Cops

    Durham, North Carolina, instated an alternative crisis response program that dispatches social workers to respond to 911 calls about people in mental health crises. The team’s successes earned the support of an initially skeptical police department.

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  • Why a drug treatment tool to protect Missouri kids is underutilized in the St. Louis area

    Temporary Alternative Placement Agreements (TAPA) allow parents struggling with addiction to enter a drug-treatment program and connect them with parenting resources and support to help them maintain custody of their children. Under a TAPA parents have a say in who their children stay with while they're seeking treatment, rather than losing custody altogether. Participants say TAPAs are far less traumatic and help hold them accountable as they’re required to sign an agreement to uphold at the start of the program.

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  • New Jersey Ditched Cash Bail. Research Shows the Reform Didn't Increase Violence.

    New Jersey voters approved an amendment that removed cash bail so people would no longer be incarcerated because they couldn’t afford to pay it. Now, the courts evaluate each person’s risk to the public, of skipping trial, and of reoffense to determine whether they are held in detention until their trial.

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  • ‘We don't shut the door': How Ontario's wellness hubs are supporting youth mental health

    The Algoma Youth Wellness Hub provides a safe space for youth to access services needed to support their well-being, from mental health care to addiction and recovery care. The Hub provides a recreational space, as well as offices where youth can meet privately with counselors, nurse practitioners and employment and housing specialists. In the four months they’ve been opened, the Hub has received more than 1,400 visits from local youth.

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  • A post-mortem on Oregon's drug decriminalization efforts

    While the decriminalization effort Measure 110 failed to fully meet the mark, the Health Justice Recovery Alliance joined forces with local law enforcement to create a pilot program that helped locals struggling with addiction. Through the program, police can contact an outreach worker who will come to the scene and connect the person struggling with addiction to support services such as detox care and housing, helping lead them toward long-term recovery. So far, the pilot program has helped over 200 people.

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  • Inside Vermont's Radical Approach to Helping the Formerly Incarcerated Succeed

    Vermont built volunteer-led Circle of Support and Accountability groups into its reentry system to help keep those who’ve committed sexual crimes from reoffending. The volunteers meet with people who were formerly incarcerated weekly to offer advice, encouragement, and support while they transition into life outside of prison.

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  • How cognitive behavioral intervention is reducing gun violence in Chicago

    The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago is working to reduce gun violence by reaching out to victims and perpetrators immediately after the violence. The organization negotiates peace and offers cognitive behavioral intervention services to help them develop strategies to keep negative emotions from turning into violent actions.

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  • Illinois Ended Cash Bail. Now Reformers Want More Support for People on Pretrial Release.

    The Community Release With Support program provides wraparound services to people on pretrial release by connecting them with housing support, employment services, and education programs, as well as helping participants make their court dates. These services have become even more vital since Illinois passed the Pretrial Fairness Act to eliminate cash bail requirements. Roughly 3,000 people have participated in the support program, which has connected 1,000 people with employment services, more than 740 with education programs, and more than 250 with housing support.

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  • For Gary Kids Struggling with Truancy, This Program Offers a Lifeline

    To help address chronic absenteeism, Project Rebuild works with families to determine the root cause of school absences and connect them to needed resources and services. In the 2022-23 school year, 81 percent of families referred to the nonprofit completed the program, with a total of 61 families participating. Only one percent of families who participate have to be referred again for continued truancy concerns.

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  • St. Paul partnership brings trust, opportunities to troubled Karen youth

    A partnership between the local school district, police and the nonprofits the Karen Organization of Minnesota and The Urban Village is helping fight addiction and gang influence among Karen youth. Since the partnership was formed, overdoses among youth have decreased significantly, and some students have begun forming supportive relationships with specialists from nonprofits and local police whom they can lean on when they need to.

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