Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Conservation Project in Jamaica Puts Community First

    The Oracabessa Fish Sanctuary, created with input and buy-in from local fishers, manages and maintains coastal fisheries by employing fishers, captains, coral gardeners, supervisors, managers, and board members. The crew runs educational programs, has planted 18,000 corals and released over 20,000 sea turtles every year, established a sea urchin nursery, and patrols sanctuary borders waters to ensure compliance with the sanctuary policies. The Sanctuary generates enough money to employ 18 people, creating a loop where nature helps support those who nurture it.

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  • 'Ventilation Corridors' Funnel Cool Mountain Air Into Steamy Stuttgart

    Stuttgart is using a “nature-based response” to climate change by leveraging earth-cooling tools already available in the natural world. The city has created a vast network of ventilation channels – green parkways and corridors of water and trees – designed to funnel cooler breezes into the city at night and naturally lower air temperatures.

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  • Floating Solar Farms Are a Game Changer

    Solar panels that float on water are used to generate electricity instead of taking up space for solar farms on land.

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  • The Eco-Friendlier Future of the Disposable Spork

    A clean-tech startup in Germany is producing sustainable food packaging out of agricultural waste as an alternative solution to single-use plastic. Bio-Lutions claims its products are compostable and uses less water than other products, but the material used won’t work for some food items like hot beverages. The company already has investors such as Delivery Hero that will use its products when the factory is producing compostable packaging.

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  • Oregon Is Turning Sewage into an Endless Supply of Green Energy

    A wastewater treatment plant in Oregon not only cleans water that is released into the local river, but it also creates fertilizer that is sent to farmers to use on non-food crops and it produces renewable power from methane. The green energy created at the plant heats five buildings on the site and produces half of the energy the facility uses. This kind of co-generation system is growing in other places in the United States, China, Brazil, and Norway.

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  • We tried Singapore's sewage beer. What can we learn from their water recycling story?

    Singapore uses wastewater recycling to generate what it calls NEWater to address the country’s water shortage. The government funded program involves processing waste water to filter out debris, bacteria, and viruses and using reverse osmosis to create water that is safe for drinking. NEWater currently meets 40% of the country’s water needs, mostly for industrial purposes, but a small portion is used for drinking, including a partnership with a local brewery that created NEWBrew, a beer made from recycled drinking water.

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  • Catching Crabs in a Suffocating Sea

    Frances Chan, a researcher at Oregon State University first came across hypoxia or dangerously low-levels of oxygen in the ocean in Oregon back in 2002. To better understand the issue and empower crab fishers whose livelihoods suffered as a result, he helped develop "small, low-cost oxygen sensors" that fit into their crab pots and read the levels of oxygen in water in real time as they fish. This year, 38 instruments were sent out on eight boats, and with time, the information could help fishers adapt.

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  • One Navajo community finally gets electricity after more than 10 years. It's still waiting for water.

    Through a complex network of indigenous, governmental, religious and community resources, the Westwater community finally has electricity after a 20-year journey to bring the much-needed resource to the community.

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  • Record Heat Waves And Droughts Can't Dry Up This Native Garden In Phoenix

    To tend their urban garden in extreme heat, the healthcare clinic Native Health of Phoenix partners with two nonprofits, Keep Phoenix Beautiful and the Salt River Project, to use flood irrigation techniques built on Huhugam agricultural practices and canals. Every other week during the hottest months 1,600 gallons of water flow through the garden and drain out.

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  • The Hydroponics Revolution

    Hydroponics works by growing plants in water without soil, fields or farms. Across the globe, this method is already being implemented as a more cost-effective way of growing food. Farmers and scientists are debating whether it will be the method of farming in the future.

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