Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Reclaiming native ground: Can Louisiana's tribes restore their traditional diets as waters rise?

    Tribal areas in Louisiana are suffering from massive land loss due to flooding, which has taken away a lot of food sources and livelihood. In response, the First People's Conservation Council has been created, which includes tribe members, government representatives and nonprofit representatives in order to develop solutions.

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  • Is the agriculture industry doing enough to conserve water during Utah's drought?

    A combination of drought and financial incentives is encouraging farmers in Utah to adopt practices that consume less water like drip irrigation and even switching the crops they grow.

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  • Why a dry Chilean lagoon matters to the future of the Great Salt Lake

    Burdened by extreme drought, water diversions, and a lack of regulation, Lake Acuelo in Chile dried up. Now, researchers are learning from this slow-moving ecological disaster to help other lakes in trouble, like Utah’s Great Salt Lake.

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  • Houston's Quiet Revolution

    Hundreds of immigrants in Houston often have no access to any social aid. One community, East Aldine, exemplifies this. It lacks sewers, water, or trash collection. But, with the help of one nonprofit residents are bypassing the city, and getting the help they need.

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  • Experimental City: How Rotterdam Became A World Leader In Sustainable Urban Design

    Rotterdam, a port city once at the center of trade and commerce, is now threatened by climate change. The city has responded to this threat by totally transforming itself into a hub for sustainable design. It embraces crazy, environmentally friendly solutions. From a floating dairy farm to a home enclosed in a greenhouse to basketball courts that soak up rainwater, Rotterdam has established itself as a leader in sustainable urban design. By 2025, the city plans to be completely climate-proof.

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  • How 700 Kerala villagers waded through a dead river, cleansed it and brought it back to life in 70 days

    The Kuttemperoor river in Alappuzha district of Kerala, India was once treated as a source for water and food stability. After years of illegal sand mining and construction sites dumping sewage, the river was unrecognizable to those that had once known its clean shores. As water scarcity became a reality for the small village of Budhanoor, and government action seemed unlikely, a group of 700 villagers - mostly women - banded together and spent 70 days physically de-silting and revitalizing the 12-kilometer long river.

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  • Here's one idea to make ‘Storrowing' a thing of the past

    A persistent problem in Massachusetts of trucks going through tunnels or underpasses that are too low for safe clearance has prompted officials to look to Sydney, Australia for a possible solution. Officials in that city worked with a private company to develop a system where if a truck is too tall, it triggers a warning so officials can activate a sheet of water at the tunnel entrance upon which is projected the holographic image of a giant red Stop sign. It's proven successful in stopping drivers before they enter the tunnel.

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  • Space Problems, Sh*t Problems, Minnesota Problems

    In the premiere episode of Wyatt Cenac's “Problem Areas” he focuses on fixes for manure polluting waterways, but mostly on policing in America, with an in-depth review of what happened with the death of Philando Castile by a police officer in a suburb of St. Paul, Minn. The show looks at the lack of standards or regulation in how police are trained, and explores how another police force in Ramsey County addresses the issue in the hiring process by focusing on character. But the show also makes it clear there is no one solution to fixing policing in this country.

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  • The Unlikely Upside of Cape Town's Drought

    When faced with the dire likelihood that the city would run entirely out of water, Cape Town communities responded by looking at the challenge with resiliency, rather than complacency or inconvenience. Though not without limitations, those that were able to implement a perspective shift created a social shift that allowed for greater communal efforts and resulted in successful water conservation, including a 40% city-wide decrease in water use.

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  • Asheville nonprofit reduces energy burdens in North Carolina

    Energy Savers Network helps people cut down on their energy waste by making home improvements like tightening air seals, insulating hot water heaters and replacing lightbulbs. The Network has helped more than 1,000 homes since forming in 2017 and, on average, the improvements have helped cut energy use by about 15%.

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