Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Radio Show Bringing Prisoners Messages from Home

    “Calls From Home” is an Appalachian radio show that allows people in prison to hear messages from family and friends. People call in the radio show, leave a message, and every Monday from 9 to 10 p.m. the messages are played over the airways making a message from home accessible to the 11 prisons and facilities within range. “The folks who are locked up here are also a part of our community. They’re the least visible parts of our community, for sure, but they are here, and I see that as part of our responsibly as a radio station.”

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  • When Communities Say No One Should Stay in Jail Just Because They're Poor

    Across the United States, organizations like Southerners on New ground and the Bronx Freedom Fund are posting bail for individuals facing low-level offenses who cannot afford it on their own. Such initiatives have gained in popularity because of the Black Mamas Bail-Out, a coordinated effort during May of each year. In posting their bail, these organizations are working to equitably help people of color, who are disproportionately affected by the cash bail system.

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  • How Internet Co-ops Can Protect Us From Net Neutrality Rollbacks

    Today, 23 million rural Americans can’t access broadband speed internet. As deregulation of net neutrality threatens to slow down internet speed even further, local internet co-ops are bringing higher-speed access to rural towns, Native American reservations, and even urban areas that do not currently have quality internet. Today, small internet service providers, spurred by local communities, are providing a real safeguard to net neutrality rollbacks.

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  • The New Co-op Helping Ex-Inmates Find Work—and Recover

    Washington D.C. struggles with the highest incarceration rates in the nation that already imprisons more people than any other country in the world. But a few determined individuals, including ex-offender Juan Reid, are working to break the cycle by empowering former inmates to join their business cooperative, Tightshift, catered specifically to those reentering the system by providing job training and paid work, as well as critical emotional healing and support.

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  • Hospital Beats Federal Bureaucracy to Offer Local Traditional Foods

    The siglaug, is an Inupiaq word for ice cellar. It is also how the Inupiaq people are preserving a part of their culture. The siglaug, opened after the Farm Bill was passed, which allowed for the opening of a food processing center. Prior to that, elders staying at the local hospital ward could only eat federally approved foods like spaghetti. “Since 2015, the sigluaq has provided a facility for Harris and others to process donated meat, fish, and fowl according to government regulations so they can be served to elders in the long-term care.”

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  • This Isn't Just Another Urban Farm—It's a Food Bank

    In the United States, one in seven people are food insecure, and in Tucson, the number is even higher. Food banks increasingly find that their roles are not simply to distribute food, but to create sustainable change through "food literacy" - which is exactly how organizations like the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona are tackling the issue. They establish urban farms that not only provide the needy with fresh, local produce, but create a classroom for students, green areas for families to enjoy, and event space for the community to gather and learn.

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  • How a Free Grocery Store Is Cutting Food Waste—and Hunger

    In an era when 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted each year, a nonprofit organization in New Zealand called The Free Store collects surplus food from cafes and restaurants to redistribute to the public - at no cost to the consumer. The Free Store, which started in Wellington and has spread across the country, opens its doors every weeknight to anyone in search of a free meal, regardless of economic background or status.

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  • Black Neighbors Band Together to Bring in Healthy Food, Co-op-Style

    In Detroit, and throughout the country, many people find themselves in "food deserts", or places where access to fresh fruits and vegetables is extremely limited. Black residents are addressing these issues via the creation of their own food production and supply network called the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network. Through this network, Black neighbors created a co-op grocery store that promotes urban agriculture and healthy eating.

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  • Alaska's Small Villages Turn Toward Renewables—And Don't Look Back

    Alaska is a state of remote and rural townships, where everything costs more to access - from food to fuel - and plunging global oil prices have pushed the state economy to the brink of financial crisis. But communities such as Buckland are taking steps to move away from dependence on fossil fuels through the building of renewable energy micro-grids. Wind, geothermal, hydro, and solar power not only help keep the lights on, but are contributing to the stabilization of local economies.

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  • Blackfeet Researcher Leads Her Tribe Back to Traditional Foods

    Generations of oppression and poverty have led to severe food insecurity for many Native Americans, resulting in some of the country's highest obesity and diabetes rates. But a few dedicated individuals on the Blackfeet reservation are striving to reclaim their food system, and their first step is collecting and disseminating traditional knowledge about nutritious, locally-sourced food for their people and ensuring it is accessible.

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