Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 5 Lessons from UPS Workers' Successful Bargaining

    In what is being called the most historic tentative agreement for workers in the company’s history, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters came to an agreement with UPS over contract negotiations. This agreement is serving as evidence of the efficacy of unions and how they can work to achieve better working conditions, benefits and increased wages.

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  • A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Birds

    A wildlife photographer in Maharashtra, India, adds like-minded animal conservationists to a WhatsApp group so they can share animal photos and knowledge with each other. The group members work together to solve different wildlife issues through information sharing and public education, and many of them also rescue animals.

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  • Justice at the Tap

    In response to the water crisis, grassroots organizers and community members are stepping up to provide aid and fill the gaps left by government authorities. Organizations like Flint Rising and DigDeep collect and donate bottled water and send volunteers door-to-door to ensure residents have access to clean drinking water. There is also the Navajo Water Project, which installs home water systems in those without access to running water or sewer lines, providing 1,200 gallons of water to homes in need, as well as jobs for members of the Navajo Nation.

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  • Meals on Wheels Delivers Food and Climate Resilience for Seniors

    Local Meals on Wheels programs are known for delivering food to low-income seniors, but during climate disasters, they are in the position to check in on the most vulnerable. The programs’ volunteers and staff do just that, whether that means giving fans to clients during a heatwave, tarping roofs after a hurricane, or making check-up calls.

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  • The Matriarchs Who Helped Seattle's Urban Native Population

    The Seattle Indian Center, originally started by the matriarchs of the American Indian Women’s Service League, provides Native people in need with resources like food, clothing, financial and employment assistance, community outreach services and a sense of community where their heritage and culture are recognized.

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  • From Farmworkers to Land Healers

    North Bay Jobs With Justice teaches immigrant and Indigenous farmworkers how to restore the land’s ecological health and mitigate impacts of climate change and disasters like wildfires through training efforts and ancestral knowledge. The group has also helped workers organize for respect, safer conditions and fair pay.

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  • Reclaiming Safe Abortion Access in Haiti

    Nègès Mawon works to empower women to fight back against violence and oppression through education and advocacy and focuses on access to safe abortion care. Through the organization’s sponsorship program, women who are also survivors of gender-based violence are partnering together to rise above the patriarchal system and advocate for themselves. Since last May, Nègès Mawon has supported more than 300 survivors of gender-based violence through the sponsorship program.

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  • Why Intergenerational Thinking Is Essential to Heal the Planet

    Prioritizing intergenerational thinking allows current generations to make long-term decisions that help prevent urgent issues like climate change from having severe, irreversible impacts on future generations. For example, elders of the Indigenous Khasi community built living root bridges for future environmental and transportation benefits, despite never seeing the fruits of their labor. Now, at least 150 of the ancient bridges still exist to be used by the community today.

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  • Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools

    We Are Not Your Soldiers sends military veterans into school classrooms to discuss alternatives to enlisting and the harm the military has caused. More than 50 veterans have participated in the program, which focuses on debunking myths about recruitment benefits and contextualizing the role of the military in broader social issues.

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  • Disrupting the Business of Bail

    The Minnesota Freedom Fund is a nonprofit that covers bail payments for people who are jailed and cannot afford bail while awaiting trial.

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