Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To prevent chronic homelessness, Philly nonprofit offers some young adults more than shelter

    Long-term housing support helps end the cycles of displacement that lead to chronic homelessness. Although permanent supportive housing programs are usually associated with older individuals, such programs can be directed toward the prevention of homelessness. In Philadelphia, Project Home’s program offers long-term subsided apartments to young adults at risk of being on the street.

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  • Combining the power of sport, surf and volunteerism

    Adaptive sports enrich the lives and well-being of people with disabilities. Life Rolls On is an adaptive sports organization that promotes events like “They Will Surf Again,” where volunteers help people with disabilities get out on the water.

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  • Lessons from Vancouver: U.S. cities consider supervised injection facilities

    In Vancouver, supervised injection facilities get drug users off the street and under the watchful eyes of trained medical professionals. This is a response to the huge number of overdose death in the city. The sites have now been active for fifteen years and have not seen one overdose death on their premises.

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  • Rx: zucchini, brown rice, turkey soup Medicaid plan offers food as medicine

    The Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance, a Philadelphia non-profit, makes and delivers healthy meals to people with serious illnesses. The deliveries kick-start healthy eating at home, so recipients are more likely to continue healthy habits when their six-week service ends. Health Partners says it’s working to reduce patient costs and create better health outcomes. Several insurers are adding the service for their Medicaid patients.

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  • Redina's story: A mother's troubled journey home from prison

    For Redina, and others suffering from addiction, it is hard to break the cycle. 'Women Working for a Change' is a program that tries to change addicts' thinking in order to prevent a relapse.

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  • Philly activists raising money to bail poor defendants out of jail

    For many low-income people who are arrested, coming up with even a small amount of bail money is nearly impossible, leaving them to languish for months before their cases are ever adjudicated. That means lost jobs and housing and sometimes custody of their kids. In Philadelphia, a number of groups have banded together and raised funds to bail out inmates, following examples in other cities, as a temporary measure until policymakers can enact long-term bail reform.

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  • At Philly reentry 'hackathon,' using tech to drive down recidivism

    A hackathon in Philadelphia brought together a diverse group of people, including formerly incarcerated individuals, to discuss the complex issue of reentry and come up with tech-based ways to help. The collaboration resulted in four promising projects, with several created to be accessible through text messaging, rather than apps, as many formerly incarcerated individuals lack access to smartphones and wifi.

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  • Lancaster knows how to keep people out of jail, but it's expensive

    Officials around Pennsylvania who want to reduce recidivism are studying a re-entry program in Lancaster that gives former inmates intensive case management to help them return to society. That includes transitional housing, job interview clothing and workshops on things like personal finance and interviewing skills. It also addresses the small slips that often send someone back to jail by putting the fees many former prisoners owe on hold for six months and helping them tackle bureaucratic challenges that can seem daunting.

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  • Pennsylvania training mentally ill inmates to help others on the cellblock

    Peer to peer programs have existed since the 1980s. These programs pair up a person with mental health illness, with one another. The concept, is relatively new in the prison systems, and is gaining traction in states like Pennsylvania.

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  • Former prisoners offer advice to new leader of Philly effort to help ex-inmates

    A program launched in Philadelphia to help inmates reintegrate into the community has hit some stumbling blocks and the new executive director is turning to experts to help fix things: former inmates. She is convening people who came through RISE to hear how the program can do better and truly meet the needs of people coming out of prison. They want to see more connections to jobs, more of a human touch from RISE officials and more outreach to current inmates to get them ready to use RISE services.

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